New Cesium company launched by the CesiumJS team

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Patrick Cozzi

Jul 9, 2019, 10:44:01 AM7/9/19
Hi all,

We are thrilled to share that we have launched a new company dedicated to all things Cesium!  The team has spun out from AGI, the company where we started CesiumJS, to accelerate our growth and focus with an open-source supportive investment partner.

It has been a unique privilege for us to collaborate with you, the Cesium community, as you have taken 3D geospatial to levels that we simply didn't imagine when we started in 2011.  Your use cases and passion have influenced the direction for the Cesium ecosystem and, undoubtedly, the 3D geospatial field as a whole.  With this new company, we look forward to being able to dial up CesiumJS and Cesium ion development while working alongside you.

We appreciate any help you could provide in spreading the word:

Congrats and thank you from the entire team!

CEO, Cesium
Original creator of CesiumJS and 3D Tiles

Aristeidis Bampakos

Jul 10, 2019, 5:20:28 AM7/10/19
to cesium-dev
Hey Patrick,

That is terrific news. I hope you all the best in your new fresh start :)

Is the open source community going to be affected by this change in any means?


Patrick Cozzi

Jul 10, 2019, 5:45:55 AM7/10/19
to cesium-dev
Hi Aristeidis,

Thank you, we appreciate the support.

We're hiring more developers to work on CesiumJS so, yes, we hope the open-source community is affected in a very positive way. :)

The Cesium company strategy is to advance 3D geospatial as fast a possible - and in order to do that we believe the platform that we build needs to be interoperable (hence our work on OGC 3D Tiles and Khronos glTF) and that key components of the platform need to be open source (hence our work on CesiumJS, obj2gltf, gltf-pipeline, etc.).  This helps rise the tide for the entire industry and build community.


Gibran P

Jul 10, 2019, 12:48:27 PM7/10/19
to cesium-dev
Sweet! Best wishes.
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Jul 10, 2019, 7:32:51 PM7/10/19
to cesium-dev
Congratulation Patrick!

I retweeted, liked and spread the word.

I searched on youtube your name & Cesium and watch all the tutorials that you posted there. Thanks for your big help and your contribution to CesiumJS and the community. Wishing you best of luck!

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