How to get .gltf model from Cesium Ion to Angular-cesium application ?

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Ujjwal yadav

Apr 16, 2020, 6:12:14 PM4/16/20
to cesium-dev
1. A concise explanation of the problem you're experiencing.
hello all.. I am suck in this problem from a long, i am new to it .I am trying to load my .gltf model from cesium ion to Angular-Cesium application, i have successfully done the same using Cesium alone, i am successfully loading Bing base map using my default access token on my Angular-Cesium application
(1)should i necessarily use Ion REST API here? i'm not able to load model using REST url while using it with access token to that asset.
{"code":"InvalidCredentials","message":"Invalid access token"} .... getting this error even after providing accurate token assigned to the asset

kindly suggest me the proper way for framing uri by assembling access token to get/read 3d tile from ion, i'll be highly obliged 

(2) or should i use this pattern - and default access token will automatically verify and get model in response(not able to get the model using this way too :-(. ) 

<ac-model-desc props="{
                          position: track.position,
                          minimumPixelSize: 150,
                          maximumScale : 20000,
                          uri: '',

i have no idea, where am i making the mistake, kindly help...

Omar Shehata

May 4, 2020, 1:15:23 PM5/4/20
to cesium-dev
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