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3d tiling pipeline - berlin dataset

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Dec 19, 2019, 9:14:13 AM12/19/19
to cesium-dev
I am trying to run 3d-buildings-tiler on the Berlin 3D dataset

and I am getting the following errors. I run on Ubuntu 18.04. When the tiler is running memory is about 50 % (out of 64 GB) and there is enough disk space (about 250 GB).
Any ideas what might be wrong?


[~/tasks/citygml/berlin-20000-3dtiles]$ ~/external/Cesium-ion-3D-Tiling-Pipeline-Linux-4.1.0/bin/3d-buildings-tiler -I CityGML -i ~/data/Berlin-3D/Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf/ -o .
For evaluation purposes only
Reading CityGML [====================] 100% 3.8 seconds
Adaptive Textured Quadtree (est. 4 levels) [====================] 22771/22771(100%) 3.4 seconds
Output Tiles [==========          ] 3447/6835(50%) 307.6 seconds

Error: Internal Error
Details: Workerpool Worker terminated Unexpectedly
    exitCode: `1`
    signalCode: `null`
    workerpool.script: `/snapshot/app/lib/roadHouse/writeTilesWorker.js`
    spawnArgs: `/home/danlipsa/external/Cesium-ion-3D-Tiling-Pipeline-Linux-4.1.0/bin/3d-buildings-tiler,/snapshot/app/lib/roadHouse/writeTilesWorker.js`
    spawnfile: `/home/danlipsa/external/Cesium-ion-3D-Tiling-Pipeline-Linux-4.1.0/bin/3d-buildings-tiler`
    stdout: `null`
    stderr: `null`

[~/tasks/citygml/berlin-20000-3dtiles]$ ~/external/Cesium-ion-3D-Tiling-Pipeline-Linux-4.1.0/bin/3d-buildings-tiler -I CityGML -i ~/data/Berlin-3D/Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg/ -o .
For evaluation purposes only
Reading CityGML [====================] 100% 2.1 seconds
Adaptive Textured Quadtree (est. 3 levels) [====================] 12506/12506(100%) 1.7 seconds
Output Tiles [=                   ] 290/4176(6%) 32.4 seconds

Error: Internal Error
Details: Workerpool Worker terminated Unexpectedly
    exitCode: `1`
    signalCode: `null`
    workerpool.script: `/snapshot/app/lib/roadHouse/writeTilesWorker.js`
    spawnArgs: `/home/danlipsa/external/Cesium-ion-3D-Tiling-Pipeline-Linux-4.1.0/bin/3d-buildings-tiler,/snapshot/app/lib/roadHouse/writeTilesWorker.js`
    spawnfile: `/home/danlipsa/external/Cesium-ion-3D-Tiling-Pipeline-Linux-4.1.0/bin/3d-buildings-tiler`
    stdout: `null`
    stderr: `null`

Omar Shehata

Dec 19, 2019, 2:06:29 PM12/19/19
to cesium-dev
Hey Dan,

We'll need to investigate more to confirm whether this is an issue with the source data or with the Cesium ion tiling pipeline, but this looks like it may be a bug. I'm able to reproduce this issue and we're going to take a look, and I'll update this thread when I have more information.

Jan 7, 2020, 5:53:55 PM1/7/20
to cesium-dev
I have more information about this. It seems that the number of texture coordinates does not match the number of points for certain polygons. We had issues in our CityGML reader because of this.

This is a list of polygon ids generated from our reader where the number of texture coordinates does not match the number of points for Berlin-3D/Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf dataset.

( 110.833s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (5): GEOM_5870148_0_
( 110.840s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (6) does not match point count (8): GEOM_5870153_0_
( 110.850s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (8) does not match point count (9): GEOM_5870170_0_
( 110.854s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (4): GEOM_5870166_0_
( 110.855s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_5870164_0_
( 110.859s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (6) does not match point count (7): GEOM_5870169_0_
( 141.389s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): UUID_1b35b7c0-2bad-4d12-a7a6-560c6a4243e4_0_
( 141.391s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (6): UUID_a1944157-135a-4120-badf-d7c3fd2efeb8_0_
( 141.397s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (6) does not match point count (7): UUID_aa9fcd6e-2b78-4a12-b9c3-0bfc9eb78e5a_0_
( 142.744s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (8) does not match point count (9): UUID_483ff77c-640b-4b5a-8d4c-2738eb7bac66_0_
( 142.745s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (6) does not match point count (7): UUID_37bf97a7-0394-465c-ba85-0ae048fec0a8_0_
( 143.794s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (6): UUID_a9e5a3ef-0fc2-4444-a951-b945448c82cb_0_
( 143.797s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (6) does not match point count (7): UUID_b4c2cd3e-2ce3-48fb-9255-bee1a3daeb37_0_
( 143.798s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (6) does not match point count (7): UUID_1055542f-15df-4562-988f-97ece2e7dcf3_0_
( 173.548s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (5) does not match point count (6): UUID_1b3b0661-c155-4890-8f86-240106d0082c_0_
( 173.561s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (8) does not match point count (9): UUID_9f3f50e0-7c2e-4f4a-b04d-7c9d2f468aa5_0_
( 173.563s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (4): UUID_37cb6c41-8518-44cc-b756-567a74d5b00f_0_
( 173.564s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (6): UUID_d85fbe65-aa2d-4595-8163-92c40e3bbedc_0_
( 173.565s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): UUID_5f82c3c6-b35e-496b-9a1e-ef7ac85fb46e_0_
( 197.719s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (6) does not match point count (7): UUID_c58aedaa-af1a-4bf7-bb51-d7282b04c801_0_
( 197.724s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (6) does not match point count (7): UUID_32f421f5-21fa-426e-90a9-9278a6a6ab3e_0_
( 207.728s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (7) does not match point count (8): GEOM_5446613_0_
( 215.436s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (6): GEOM_5627657_0_
( 215.442s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (6): GEOM_5627656_0_
( 244.779s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (6) does not match point count (7): GEOM_5486975_0_
( 244.784s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (6) does not match point count (7): GEOM_5486974_0_
( 284.066s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (6): GEOM_5633444_0_
( 284.077s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (6): GEOM_5633459_0_
( 284.080s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (6): GEOM_5633453_0_
( 284.086s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (6): GEOM_5633466_0_
( 286.027s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (6) does not match point count (7): GEOM_5822063_0_
( 286.042s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (7) does not match point count (8): GEOM_5822064_0_
( 309.842s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_5636557_0_
( 309.845s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_5636559_0_
( 310.273s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_5636111_0_
( 310.366s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_5636103_0_
( 310.467s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_5636565_0_
( 310.469s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_5636105_0_
( 310.472s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_5636563_0_
( 310.719s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_5636109_0_
( 344.088s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (8) does not match point count (9): GEOM_5821910_0_
( 344.096s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (8) does not match point count (9): GEOM_5821911_0_
( 346.640s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (10) does not match point count (11): GEOM_5824697_0_
( 413.371s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6065559_0_
( 413.405s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6065553_0_
( 413.411s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6065554_0_
( 413.416s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6065550_0_
( 413.420s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (14) does not match point count (16): GEOM_6065572_0_
( 413.426s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6065547_0_
( 413.499s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (5) does not match point count (6): GEOM_6065676_0_
( 413.513s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (5) does not match point count (6): GEOM_6065675_0_
( 413.541s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (9) does not match point count (11): GEOM_6065684_0_
( 413.543s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (5) does not match point count (6): GEOM_6065683_0_
( 433.195s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (6): GEOM_6089652_0_
( 433.202s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6089658_0_
( 433.215s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6089678_0_
( 433.222s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6089671_0_
( 433.708s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (4): GEOM_6358962_0_
( 433.710s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (4): GEOM_6358961_0_
( 433.717s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (9) does not match point count (11): GEOM_6358984_0_
( 438.407s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (4): GEOM_6070713_0_
( 438.428s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6070732_0_
( 463.903s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6633144_0_
( 463.913s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6633200_0_
( 492.033s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6367132_0_
( 492.035s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6367134_0_
( 492.046s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6367129_0_
( 492.049s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (4): GEOM_6367128_0_
( 492.069s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (4): GEOM_6369170_0_
( 492.846s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6370830_0_
( 492.848s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (4): GEOM_6370826_0_
( 492.858s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6370816_0_
( 492.864s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (4): GEOM_6370822_0_
( 492.874s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (5) does not match point count (6): GEOM_6370839_0_
( 492.875s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (6) does not match point count (8): GEOM_6370838_0_
( 492.876s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (5) does not match point count (6): GEOM_6370837_0_
( 524.937s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (4): GEOM_6666675_0_
( 524.954s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6666691_0_
( 525.079s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (7) does not match point count (8): GEOM_6658477_0_
( 525.082s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (5) does not match point count (6): GEOM_6658473_0_
( 525.096s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (4): GEOM_6658465_0_
( 525.140s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6630075_0_
( 525.143s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6630074_0_
( 525.239s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (6): GEOM_6328581_0_
( 525.242s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6328584_0_
( 525.257s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6328580_0_
( 525.264s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (4): GEOM_6666609_0_
( 525.266s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (5): GEOM_6666610_0_
( 525.271s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (4): GEOM_6666618_0_
( 525.272s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (4): GEOM_6666619_0_
( 525.285s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (7) does not match point count (8): GEOM_6666641_0_
( 525.619s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (6) does not match point count (7): GEOM_6043847_0_
( 525.623s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (6) does not match point count (7): GEOM_6043846_0_
( 526.066s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (5) does not match point count (6): GEOM_6660034_0_
( 526.070s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (3) does not match point count (4): GEOM_6660035_0_
( 527.546s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (6): GEOM_6077859_0_
( 527.570s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (6): GEOM_6077839_0_
( 527.577s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (4) does not match point count (6): GEOM_6077841_0_
( 528.738s) [paraview        ]   vtkCityGMLReader.cxx:820   WARN| vtkCityGMLReader (0x55ebb214dc90): Tcoords count (5) does not match point count (6): GEOM_5644749_0_

Jan 8, 2020, 9:06:27 AM1/8/20
to cesium-dev
Also, for this dataset app:textureCoordinates ring attribute is prefixed by a #,
while gml:LinearRing gml:id attribute is not. I have not seen this in other datasets. 

Maybe some of these cause issues in the 3d tiling pipeline.


Omar Shehata

Feb 5, 2020, 10:06:18 AM2/5/20
to cesium-dev
Just to close the loop here for anyone else following this thread, the issue was that some JPEG images in this dataset failed to be decoded, which preventing the tiling job from completing. We're pushing out a fix to ignore these invalid images and continue, so the dataset will work when tiled on Cesium ion as well as with the 3D tiling CLI.
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