Getting Started with Personal and Professional Digital Capacity open course

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Katie Molloy

May 17, 2022, 6:53:09 AM5/17/22
to CESI-list

Dear all,

I hope this message finds you well. I just wanted to share some information about the next rollout of the Enhancing Digital Teaching and Learning project's 'Getting Started with Personal and Professional Digital Capacity' open course.

We'll be starting the course again on 23rd May. This is a national, online rollout and it's similar in structure to the UDL badge from AHEAD.  Participants will work in peer groups to develop and practice new skills and plan a digital teaching enhancement for the new academic year. The course is flexible and will run for five weeks and then break for the summer so that participants can work on their digital enhancement and reconvene in August. 

The course is open to those who teach in Irish HE and FE, so do feel free to share if it's of interest. Participants can earn a digital badge issued by the National Forum. 

More information and registration is available here:

Best wishes,


Learning Technologist
Centre for Excellence in Learning & Teaching | National University of Ireland, Galway | @hey_km


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