Group guidelines & changing delivery settings

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John Hegarty

Aug 16, 2017, 2:18:07 PM8/16/17
to cesi-list
Membership has now reached 1700. I'm sending the list guidelines again for the new folk among us. As before, nothing much new from previous posts along this vein so ignore if you know the story already. 

Some folk find the number of messages hitting their inbox to be a bit overwhelming at times. If you prefer we can set it so that you just get one email each day with all the messages in it. Just send a message to and I'll sort that out. 

A reminder of the groups guidelines below.  There is wisdom in the crowd so please spread the word and get others on board if you have the opportunity - their experience will enrich us all if shared.


John Hegarty


The purpose of the list as stated in the web archive of the list : 

"The purpose of this mailing list is to facilitate discussion of the ICT issues you face in your school. Together we can support each other by providing advice and information from our own experiences. Since launched in April 2008, the CESI Mailing List has become a popular and effective means for teachers in Ireland to support each other on ways to integrate ICT in teaching & learning."

  • If you have any queries regarding the list please email them to me off-list at 
  • Please make sure you are replying to the subject. If you are introducing a new subject then start a new email thread. Having too much clumped together will make the web archive confusing to anyone joining the list. The web archive can be accessed and searched here
  • Members of the list who are employed by commercial organisations/companies should avoid using the list to promote their products and services. Where you are providing useful information you should indicate clearly where you have a vested interest. We welcome your expertise but please don't use the list to try and promote your business in any way. 
  • Please keep your points brief and to the point. If you have a lot to say then post a blog article somewhere and send a link to the article to the list. 
  • Please avoid engaging in "flame wars" - they sap energy and do not serve the purpose of the list. 
  • Please avoid making personal comments, again they do not serve the purpose of the list. Please take arguments off-list rather than sharing your annoyance with the whole list. 
If you have the opportunity, through a blog, website, TeachMeet, teachers meeting, a course you are attending, another mailing list etc. please take the time to promote and direct people to the list. The more folk on the list the more useful it will be to all of us. 

enda mulrooney

Aug 17, 2017, 6:30:17 AM8/17/17
I would like to receive one email per day instead of all seperately.

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Attempts to use the list for commercial purposes may result removal from the list.
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Naoimh Riordan

Aug 17, 2017, 8:47:36 AM8/17/17
Hi , 
I would like to receive one email per day. 
Thank you 
kind regards 
Naoimh Riordan 

Elaine Lavelle

Aug 17, 2017, 8:56:32 AM8/17/17
I would like to receive one email per day
Many thanks

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Groups "CESI-list" group.
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For more options, visit this group at where all messages are archived and are publically available to non members of the list. Messages may also show up in search engines etc.
Visit the web site
Attempts to use the list for commercial purposes may result removal from the list.
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Elaine Lavelle

Robert Chaney

Aug 17, 2017, 9:56:02 AM8/17/17
to CESI-list
It is possible to customise your own settings for any Google group, which includes what emails you get, and when (you can even specify when in the day you receive your digest).
Just log in to Google Groups and access your settings for each subscription


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