federated certificates?

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Eric Peters

Jan 2, 2019, 1:09:21 PM1/2/19
to cert-manager-dev
Hi ~

I'm curious if anyone has come up with a solution for multi-region kubernetes clusters.  

The primary issues I'm trying to wrap my head around is how HTTP ACME Challenges would work in a multi-cluster environment.  If eu-central's cert-manager is requesting an HTTP ACME certificate, and a Route53 Latency Based Routing for LetsEncrypt connects to us-west, then the cert-manager in us-west will respond with the wrong challenge response.

A couple ideas I'm exploring:

"master" cert-manager cluster:

  • avoids duplicate certificates for the same domain/resource across the clusters

  • additional configuration overhead for provisioning "master" cluster configuration and different deployment configurations
  • no idea if cert-manager would work with federated secrets
  • not sure how this would work across namespaces, or how it would integrate with other kuberntes applications like ambassador/envoy ingresses that generally read certificates from the current namespace
  • pollute a shared secret with ad-hoc environment certificates, or if the federated secrets could (by convention) be created with namespace prefixes - handling acme staging vs production certificates are an open question

"cluster proxy/polling" endpoint:

  • Each cluster has a normal cert-manager installed and will respond to HTTP challenges, and setup DNS validation
  • Have an endpoint for the HTTP challenges that can make parallel requests to each of the clusters in the federation looking for a cert-manager that has a valid response for the challenge, and return back the appropriate response.
  • more traditional setup, certificates get created in the normal cluster's namespace-specific secrets, no integration issues with other k8s apps
  • each cluster has an identical deployment profile (lower overhead)
  • might run into rate-limiting issues if too many clusters all request certificates for the same domain at the same time? (the 50 certificates per domain, per week probably would be enough for 4-5 clusters though)
  • ??? are there any CONS or edge cases if each cluster has a different certificate for a domain, or the renewals are staggered?
  • not 100% sure how the cluster polling/proxying would work

"manual certificate management":

This is effectively what we are doing now (in a pre-kubernetes architecture), using certbot to manage certificates and package them with haproxy/ingres.

  • easy audit trail for deployments

  • manual intervention required
  • more complicated (maybe not with wildcard certs...) to create an adhoc environment with new host/certificates

"hybrid" cert-manager:

Use cert-manager for DNS-based certs, manually manage any HTTP-based certificates and package them with the ingress.

  • 100% vanilla implementation
  • Ad Hoc environments that depend on wildcard certs can still use DNS-validation 
  • requires manual maintenance and setup for any HTTP-based certs that are needed.

So, has this been tackled by anyone already?  What else am I not thinking about?  Any ideas/advice would be greatly welcomed!


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