Issue with Create Cert with notBefore time in the past.

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Ipsit Kumar

Jun 7, 2023, 11:09:19 PM6/7/23
to cert-manager-dev
Hi Team,
I have a doubt about CertificateSpec API. It currently accepts duration only. Based on duration notBefore is set to current time and notAfter is set to currentTime + duration.
We have a use case of generating short lived cert Example 1 day. Also, some clients might have incorrect time set based on timezone +-12 hours. Is there a way we can tweak notBefore to accept time in past to avoid cert failures ?

We have to address the time drift in cert generation and use timezone.
For instance, with openssl  l typically with shell we use libfaketime  to achieve it.

Any leads can help me move ahead.

Best Regards,
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