CLOB Patch

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[ d i t h e r f i x ]

2008年11月6日 17:08:502008/11/6

As some of you may know, we use MS SQL Server 2005 with the jTDS driver for our uPortal database here at Johns Hopkins.  I came across an issue when exporting entities using Cernunnos where CLOB database values were not being properly handled by the QueryTask.  Here's a quick rundown of the scenario…


From our uPortal source, I attempted to export a layout, for instance:


ant crn-export -Dtype=layout -Dsysid=johndoe


Which ultimately invokes:




Which executes the following SQL query:


SELECT uplp.struct_id, uplp.struct_parm_nm, uplp.struct_parm_val

FROM up_layout_param uplp LEFT JOIN up_layout_struct upls ON uplp.struct_id = upls.struct_id AND uplp.user_id = upls.user_id AND uplp.layout_id = upls.layout_id

WHERE upls.user_id = (select distinct user_id from up_user where user_name='johndoe') AND upls.layout_id = 1


The param nodes returned from the script looked like:







As you can see, something funky goes on when translating the value from the database.  The UP_LAYOUT_PARAM.STRUCT_PARM_VAL column in our database is of the "ntext" type, which is equivalent to a CLOB in MS SQL.  The *actual* exported param node should look like:







The attached patch corrects this problem by performing a type lookup using the ResultSetMetaData, and if the column value is a CLOB it will perform the proper value conversion to a String.  Please take a look and let me know if you think this should be committed back to the project, or if it might be modified to achieve the same goal using a better method.  If it looks okay, I can go ahead and commit it.







[ c h r i s d o y l e ]

Johns Hopkins University

Sr. System Software Engineer, IT@JH


"Eleven. Exactly. One louder."



Andrew Wills

2008年11月6日 17:50:382008/11/6

Awesome patch, please check it in. Here's an issue ticket for you:

Please commit to both 1-0-0-patches and trunk.

Thanks again!

drew wills

[ c h r i s d o y l e ]

2008年11月6日 18:47:452008/11/6
收件人 Cernunnos Discussion
Done, committed to trunk and rel-1-0-0-patches branch, and issue
status updated to Fixed!


On Nov 6, 5:50 pm, "Andrew Wills" <> wrote:
> Chris,
> Awesome patch, please check it in.  Here's an issue ticket for you:
> Please commit to both 1-0-0-patches and trunk.
> Thanks again!
> drew wills
> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 3:08 PM, [ d i t h e r f i x ]
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