Querying patients in a Group

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Michael Terry

Apr 24, 2023, 1:20:25 PM4/24/23
to Oracle Cerner FHIR Developers
How would I query the members of a group in the sandbox [1] using the Millennium API?

I *could* do it via a bulk export of Patient resources on that group. But using the Millennium R4 API, I'm not sure how to go about it.

- Trying to GET the group itself gives a 404 (though I get a 403 with a bulk client ID).
- You can't seem to search on patients like Patient?group=xxx.

Is bulk the only way?

(My use case is that I want to get the group members, then do some further smaller R4 Millennium queries off of those members. So using a bulk client to get members, then an R4 client to do smaller queries seems slightly annoying -- to my knowledge one client ID cannot access both APIs.)


Fran Pivonka (Cerner)

Apr 27, 2023, 2:39:23 PM4/27/23
to Oracle Cerner FHIR Developers

We don't support the FHIR Group resource and as you mentioned one client can't do both bulk and single patient API requests. In your example, I see you are using the sandbox tenant. I've updated our Google group document with sandbox test data to include the patient ids listed in each of the groups used for sandbox testing.  Out of curiosity, are you trying to test the Group Bulk Export or are you just trying to use the Group Bulk Export group to get the patient ids? I guess I don't understand why you are only exporting the patient resource when you can export the other clinical resources we support and instead are making separate calls to the Single patient FHIR APIs.
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