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403 Forbidden when querying DiagnosticReport; permissions granted in admin interface

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Dave Bogaty

Feb 16, 2018, 7:35:51 AM2/16/18
to Cerner FHIR Developers

  • Issue Summary:

    When I query for Observation records, I am able to retrieve them from the server with no trouble.

    However, when I change my code to ask for DiagnosticReport objects, I get the following error, 403 Forbidden - insufficient scope.  I have verified that I have the patient/ and user/ scopes checked in the administrator console -- this was more than 15 minutes ago, that I enabled them.

    Bearer realm="", error="insufficient_scope"

  • X-Request-Id or CorrelationId:  b1220c46863c5e580e0fd1ff27442108

    The following is the Javascript code
            var obv = smart.patient.api.fetchAll({
                        type: 'DiagnosticReport',
                        query: {
                          code: {  // trying to get all records, to see what is available, so I have specified no loinc codes.  This works with Observation.

Dave Bogaty

Feb 16, 2018, 7:37:29 AM2/16/18
to Cerner FHIR Developers
For comparison, here is the Request ID when I use the same code, but change my query to request Observation objects:

Dave Bogaty

Feb 16, 2018, 7:42:51 AM2/16/18
to Cerner FHIR Developers
False alarm -- I never added DiagnosticReport to my scope when I requested permissions in my launch page.  This is resolved.

This has revealed another issue -- launch/patient will not successfully authenticate.  Only launch will proceed.
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