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Muhammad Bilal

Jul 25, 2021, 2:44:01 PM7/25/21
to Cerner FHIR Developers

After registration of standalone application with cerner can we have these extra features

  • Can you get an example of full patient profile with all the scopes to see what kind of data can be pushed or pulled.
  • Is it possible to push procedure details to patient records, for example if a patient completed a pulmonary rehab can we push the details in text along with a code to patient records?
  • Is it possible for procedure details be pulled from patient records, and in what format, for example, is it coded or do we get full text details.
  • Is it possible for files in patient records be downloaded through the integration service?
  • Expand integration from reading list of patients to:
  •  Getting single patient details, multiple patient details and ability to push patient profile info, related data for single patient and multiple patients.
  • Updating the patient(s) data.
  • Uploading files to patient records, pdf or image files

Fenil Desani (Cerner)

Jul 26, 2021, 9:05:03 AM7/26/21
to Cerner FHIR Developers

Most of the things you talk about is not features but actual API integration and test data.
You can read about our APIs here -

  • Can you get an example of full patient profile with all the scopes to see what kind of data can be pushed or pulled.
    • Please refer test data
  • Is it possible to push procedure details to patient records, for example if a patient completed a pulmonary rehab can we push the details in text along with a code to patient records?
  • Is it possible for procedure details be pulled from patient records, and in what format, for example, is it coded or do we get full text details.
  • Is it possible for files in patient records be downloaded through the integration service?
  • Expand integration from reading list of patients to:
  •  Getting single patient details, multiple patient details and ability to push patient profile info, related data for single patient and multiple patients.
  • Uploading files to patient records, pdf or image files
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