I am attempting to search for encounters associated with a particular patient.
I am able to read the patient's data successfully with this request:
X-Request-Id: e6fb7ee1-2a71-4b15-804e-d600ddf7887a+2166_1RWL
However, when I attempt to search for that patient's encounters, I receive an "insufficient_scope" error. Here's the request:
X-Request-Id: cacb6fea-5ee9-4270-9b6a-5df36d8bc551+5273_M1PO
I'm not sure what the problem is. We have the 'Encounter' scope fully enabled for our app in the code console.
App ID: 6663df88-ef26-4f23-b97b-93460d1b2eaf
Client ID: 9dc270b2-6a75-4e8c-bc03-b5e3d103f74a
Could someone from Cerner take a look at the X-Request-Id for the Encounter search and advise what the problem is?
Thank you!