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Native App Requirements for Validation

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Chris Penny

Jun 25, 2019, 3:16:16 PM6/25/19
Are there any special requirements for a native iOS or Android FHIR app to be validated by Cerner? I am making an app that will only be talking to my own HIPAA-compliant servers (aside from the FHIR server), and I am hoping to deploy it as a patient-facing iOS or Android app on bedside tablets. Does Cerner provide a specific type of tablet to be used for bedside applications? Or is it the responsibility of the Hospital itself to manage tablets?

I am also planning on making an MPages app, but I am specifically asking whether there are standard systems for deploying patient-facing tablets, and what are the requirements for native apps on such a system?


Yegor Hanov (Cerner)

Jun 26, 2019, 10:01:06 AM6/26/19
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Hi, Chris!

We do not have any special requirements for device type or device OS for native mobile apps.  Device management is handled by clients, so you will likely need to have a plan for both iOs and Android.

-Yegor (Cerner)
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