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Not able to open document reference files

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Lokesh Singh

Jan 5, 2023, 7:43:16 AM1/5/23
to Oracle Cerner FHIR Developers
Hi, I have some queries :

1. How we can we download and open the attachment file in the document reference(Not able to open some files right now).  eg :

2. How can we post Laboratory data in the Observation resource(Its giving 404)?

cerner doc.jpg

Aaron McGinn (Oracle Cerner)

Jan 11, 2023, 8:45:24 PM1/11/23
to Oracle Cerner FHIR Developers
Can you provide X-Request-Ids for the errors you are seeing?

The Binary will be encoded as mentioned in the corresponding DocumentReference/DiagnosticReport resource.

A POST request should not return a 404 as it will be requesting at the root resource path without any IDs or parameters (i.e. POST https://...../Observation) .

-Aaron (Oracle Cerner)
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