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Not able to create MedicationStatement object

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Oct 23, 2017, 12:29:06 AM10/23/17
to Cerner FHIR Developers
  • Issue Summary: Not able to create MedicationStatement object
  • X-Request-Id or CorrelationId: 39f81688c08e9589f52892b409dfc8d8

Jenni Syed (Cerner)

Oct 23, 2017, 12:00:19 PM10/23/17
to Cerner FHIR Developers
It looks like this was a timeout - can you check the patient you created this on and see if it actually was created (the process was already started, so if the request was good, it would have likely completed)? Or try again?

~ Jenni

Oct 25, 2017, 1:45:06 AM10/25/17
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Hi Jenni,

I tried few more times but every time its an error. Below I have shared one more X-requestId for the POST request. I am able to create MedicationStatement object successfully with the same POST body in Innovation domain (AHMO) but not in sandBox. 

X-Request-Id: d88ad27efd5b3d6e89064e84693f42ba

Jenni Syed (Cerner)

Oct 25, 2017, 11:13:13 AM10/25/17
to Cerner FHIR Developers
It looks like the RxNorm being sent in by the app in the example above isn't available/mapped in our sandbox for this request (the response was a 400, thought it probably should have been a 422, the end result is the same)

~ Jenni

kenith Aiyappa

Oct 26, 2017, 12:50:19 AM10/26/17
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Can you please share a subset of available drugs in the sandbox so that I can test for the create and update of MedicationStatement object.

Thank you for your time,
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