User/Patient Scope Selection Update

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Andrew Fagan (Cerner)

Aug 10, 2021, 3:44:08 PM8/10/21
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Developers of patient and provider facing applications -

We wanted to give you advance warning and solicit feedback regarding an upcoming change to scope selection for patient/provider facing applications.  Currently it is possible to select both user and patient scopes when registering an application.  This fall, when registering an application, you will be able to choose either patient or user scopes but not both.  The exceptions are location, organization, and practitioner which only have user scopes. 

We have a small number of applications registered today that have both patient and user scopes(except for those mentioned above that are always user) and wanted to solicit feedback as to the use cases for an application to use both patient and user scopes

Thank you, 

Andrew Fagan

Colin McCormack

Oct 18, 2021, 12:31:10 PM10/18/21
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Hi Andrew, 

I have an app that currently uses "user" scopes for a few resources but it's more appropriate to have patient scopes. I'd like to make this switch but it appears that changing the scopes in the developer portal have no actual effect. 
Can you confirm that changing scopes on an existing app is currently not possible for me to do and would require a Cerner resource to complete?

Thanks, Colin.

Fenil Desani (Cerner)

Oct 18, 2021, 12:59:59 PM10/18/21
to Cerner FHIR Developers

Changing scopes through Code Console would only be reflected for your App in public Sandbox and PROD domains (if the App is connected with any PROD domain).
For any changes to your App connected to a client non-prod domain, you would need a Cerner associate help. Also, I would suggest starting a new thread so we can keep the focus of this one on the feedback of upcoming scope selection change.


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