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Patient Education Documentation (Krames) writes over FHIR

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Shireesh Bhate

Apr 22, 2020, 3:50:09 PM4/22/20
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Hello everyone,

The application I work on has the ability to facilitate distribution of patient education materials to patients managed in Millennium.  Our shared customers also must manually document the fact that this information was sent to the patient in Millennium to ensure accurate reporting.  I am not sure if the customers are using an integration like this one:    This manual data entry workflow is not ideal and we'd like to explore options for avoiding it.

My questions are:
1) Does Millenium support the ability for external applications (such as my company's application) to update the Patient Education Documentation tracked within Millenium?
     a) If so, how?  Is this done via a FHIR resource?
     b) If not, is this planned on the product roadmap?

2) Are there other solutions that you all can suggest to avoid the manual data entry described above?

Thank you for your time,

Shireesh Bhate

Benjamin Eichhorn (Cerner)

Apr 22, 2020, 4:09:23 PM4/22/20
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Hi Shireesh,

If I'm understanding correctly, you are wanting to know if you can update a document through the FHIR APIs. If that's correct, then unfortunately, we do not support updating documents written through the DocumentReference resource in FHIR. We do not comment on timelines or our roadmap in this group. If you are apart of our code Developer Program, I would recommend you reach out to us in your uCern group so we can discuss further.

Unfortunately those who monitor this group only have specific knowledge in regards to the SMART of FHIR specification. We will not have much insight into other solutions within Cerner that could be used. However, due to the nature of DocumentReference, it is unlikely that you will be able to update the document after it has been written through FHIR.

Ben (Cerner)
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