FHIR Resource Recommendation - Patient questionnaire

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Joseph, Cuckoo John

Mar 25, 2021, 12:10:59 PM3/25/21
to Cerner FHIR Developers
What kind of FHIR resources maps to depression related questionnaire for a patient ? The response for questions would be Yes/No.  

Want to know the resources i can use to save these questions/response to EHR.  Obviously the is a need for Patient resource to tie the response back the right patient, but what FHIR resources can be mapped to such questionnaire to document depression related questions.   

Any thoughts/suggestions.  These are for a SMART on FHIR app that gets invoked from within EHR to be used by provider.


Kathy Pickering (Cerner)

Mar 25, 2021, 1:24:44 PM3/25/21
to Cerner FHIR Developers
The Observation resource could be the appropriate resource, but we currently only support writing lab and vital signs.  The QuestionnaireResponse resource could also be appropriate, but again, we currently don't support.  The appropriate resource depends on the workflow for obtaining the patient information.

- Kathy (Cerner)

Kathy Pickering (Cerner)

Mar 25, 2021, 1:29:49 PM3/25/21
to Cerner FHIR Developers
This also depends on if the physician wants to document Depression Yes/No or wants to document Depression as a codified 'medical condition' on the patient's problem list.  In that case, the Condition resource would be appropriate and we do support writing Conditions.

- Kathy (Cerner)

Joseph, Cuckoo John

Mar 25, 2021, 1:39:55 PM3/25/21
to cerner-fhir...@googlegroups.com
Kathy,  Thank you for your response. 

To be more precise,  this is for Physicians to perform "preliminary analysis" for a specific medical condition and the outcome of this questionnaire drives further deeper analysis for the patient. I don't believe there  is a need to diagnose and document a "medical condition" based on the results as its preliminary, however if there is an option to document a numerical value associated with the questionnaire response, that would help. Say, 4 out of 6 questions marked as Yes. something on that line. Either Ways, we need a way to document the questionnaire and response.

Few followup questions.

- In the absence of a writable resource to support this questionnaire and response, what are our options ? 
- Do we have a timeline for Observation or QuestionnaireResponse resources to be available for writing ?
- Is it possible to use a Condition resource and mark it as NO, based on the outcome of the survey ? Just thinking loud . I dont think it's appropriate as we are not concluding the condition here based on preliminary analysis.


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Kathy Pickering (Cerner)

Mar 25, 2021, 2:43:44 PM3/25/21
to Cerner FHIR Developers
An option would be to write the questionnaire and responses as a document through DocumentReference.
We do not comment on timelines.
It is not possible or appropriate to mark a Condition as No.

- Kathy (Cerner)

Joseph, Cuckoo John

Mar 25, 2021, 2:51:29 PM3/25/21
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Excellent suggestion Kathy on DocumentReference. Thanks for update.


Joseph, Cuckoo John

Apr 22, 2021, 5:49:50 PM4/22/21
to cerner-fhir...@googlegroups.com

I was reviewing the Ignite API for Cerner Millennium and came across "Encounter" Resource which allows Read and Write. Do you think it make sense to use Encounter resource to save the questionnaire and response ?  Mostly a provider will fill in this questionnaire in EHR right after an appointment (or during) with a patient and I believe this it's more appropriate to package this questionnaire and response as Encounter.

Kindly suggest.



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