log SR to Cerner Ignite APIs for Millennium

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Mar 9, 2023, 8:25:02 PM3/9/23
to Oracle Cerner FHIR Developers

The application we developed, which can be connected to the sandbox, can work normally. 
Currently, we would like to intergate with a hospital. 
We have already read lots of posts in the discussion groups and have seen some responses about the intergration writing that our customers need to "log a SR to Cerner Ignite APIs for Millennium".
However, after communicating with customers, they have no idea about this operation. 
So what do we need to tell our customers how to finish this operation? Is there any documents or operating manual you can supply to us in order to let our customers understand how to "log a SR to Cerner Ignite APIs for Millennium".


Aaron McGinn (Oracle Cerner)

Mar 10, 2023, 3:10:18 PM3/10/23
to Oracle Cerner FHIR Developers
A client's IT group should be able to review and create the request. If further questions remain, they can reach out to their Cerner partners for more information.

-Aaron (Oracle Cerner)
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