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Account Statement Search

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Raymond Bohartz III

Jan 16, 2020, 5:55:57 PM1/16/20
to Cerner FHIR Developers

When trying to find a Statement from the Account Resource, I'm getting 404 error, Resource not found. For the identifier, I'm attempting to the identifier with the Patient's Identifier. X-Request-ID: 0cab5988f2f078d1306d37e6cb91a4ca.

If I update the same request to use Statement Number with the identifier, it pulls up the Statement I'm expecting. X-Request-ID: ccc21c28ed51117e00b9514afee7fa21. I was expecting that the Statement Number would only work with the identifier.

Is the value for the identifier the same as the identifier? I'm expecting that the values used for these two identifiers to be different.

Thank you,

Keifer Laverty (Cerner)

Jan 17, 2020, 12:45:17 PM1/17/20
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Hello Raymond,
The first call that returns a 404 is doing so because the Statement Account search does not support a search by patient identifier, only one by statement number. However, this should be returning an empty search bundle and we will be making a correction for that.
Your expectation is correct that the Statement Number should only work with the identifier system: Thank you for reporting this issue, we will be correcting this as well.


Keifer (Cerner)

Raymond Bohartz III

Jan 17, 2020, 1:12:20 PM1/17/20
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Thank you for the reply Keifer.

I've update the Statement Account search to use the Account identifier value with the identifier. X-Request-ID: c362ac380f69db9524170d39f47f69d5. I got Account identifier value from a Financial Account search. That is also returning a 404 error, Resource not found. According to the documentation, it seems that this should be a valid search. Then is not a valid search? If is not, then is there a way to get the Statement Number for a Patient from another resource?

Thank you.
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