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Find Practioner Email on provider app

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Shanky Jain

Mar 22, 2019, 8:25:03 AM3/22/19
to Cerner FHIR Developers

I am working on a SMART app which maps to the practitioner's email ID as primary identifier. 
When the user is supposed to log in to the SMART app,  I need to have the email address to map it to my user list. 
According to the following links. 
The practioner.Telecom can be either a telephone number or an email.However, is there any way to make sure if the value is an email only which is returned so that the users can be mapped to the app using email IDs only.

Benjamin Eichhorn (Cerner)

Mar 22, 2019, 9:07:11 AM3/22/19
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Hi Shanky,

If I'm understanding your question correctly. No, there's no way that you can call the api and only have the email address returned for Practitioner.telecom. Your app would need to iterate through the list of telecom's and identify the email by looking at the system of each telecom in the array. The systems for Practitioner.telecom are here. Your app would also need handle the absence of an email since it is not guaranteed that an email address will be present on a Practitioner. It's also not guaranteed that any item will be returned for telecom since it does have a cardinality of 0..*.

Ben (Cerner)
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