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Cerner App - System-to-system URLS

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Marc Ochsner

Jan 4, 2022, 1:18:43 PM1/4/22
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Hi all,

My company has had a few prospective Cerner customers, and I'm looking to create a backend system-to-system OAuth application (have done so on other EHRs like Epic), and have created an application in your portal to push through and Submit. I've tested the system to system app, but might have a few minor tweaks to make sure it is fully functional and follows best practices (I will create separate post for that later).

The Cerner App Store I'm looking to submit to:

The issue I'm running into, is the application I have open in Cerner code portal is "Smart-on-FHIR" (according to URL), and it asks for both SMART Launch URI and Redirect URI, which shouldn't be required for a strictly backend authentication application. This is both according to my understanding and your documentation:

1. Is it possible to get our App on the App store, whilst being a System-to-System app? Or does the Cerner app store only support Provider and Patient launched applications? 
  1a. If we are not on the App store as a system-to-system app, is there anything we can do to help make sure our documentation, and Cerner's documentation of our integration, is in parity?

2. Is there a preferred approach for pulling and pushing data for system-to-system apps? For Epic, for example, we had a specific search query that allowed us to get a system list of patients, and pull all Encounters with Observations related to WoundCare. Is that possible on Cerner? Any documentation you can point me to?

Thanks in advance!


Fenil Desani (Cerner)

Jan 4, 2022, 4:23:09 PM1/4/22
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Hello Marc,

Is it possible to get our App on the App store, whilst being a System-to-System app? Or does the Cerner app store only support Provider and Patient launched applications?
- Yes, its possible. Cerner does support System Applications to be on Cerner App Store. However, you would need to join the CODE program to be listed.

Is there a preferred approach for pulling and pushing data for system-to-system apps?
- While this depends on your workflow, our APIs are designed as patient centric and not bulk system centric. There are query parameters available for each resource, to narrow down or perform specific searches. Each resource may have different parameters available and may have different constraint of using them. I would suggest referring to each resource in our documentation ( that best fits your model.


Marc Ochsner

Jan 6, 2022, 3:25:06 PM1/6/22
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Thanks Fenil,

Yes, so from what I've seen, the Sandbox fully supports reading and writing searches based off Name and DOB. And I can pull related data for the patient that we're interested in, including allergies.

In regards to the workflow...

- Right now, I have it functioning that we're creating Encounters and Observations (only a particular type I've tested with), then pushing those back to Cerner. In this case, for a Woundcare workflow. 
- The alternative option, if Encounters are already made in Cerner for Wound care, might be that we want to pull an existing encounter from Cerner, and tie the observations to that already existing Cerner Encounter. 

Do you know if the former or the latter is the more preferred approach? I'm particularly asking with concern of resource scope for Cerner to use it in charting, if that is available for WoundCare in something like PowerChart (would love confirmation on this being possible as well, and if there's any notes I need to take for our customers to help them plan build if needed).

Besides above, are there any particular Observation Types Cerner uses that I should include to make sure they are tied to Cerner's Woundcare charting? 

Many thanks for all your help!

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