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Cerner Message Center and Patient Portal Messaging APIs

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Ashish Sharma

May 12, 2020, 11:57:44 AM5/12/20
to Cerner FHIR Developers

We would like to send actionable notifications from our App to the Message Center so that providers can act on symptoms reported by patients. Similarly we would like to send messages to patients when a symptom related survey is assigned to them.

I understand that the APIs for this are outside FHIR. How can we get access to these APIs for Cerner Millennium? Additionally, what authentication method do these APIs use?
Any pointers to documentation for these APIs would be very helpful.


Benjamin Eichhorn (Cerner)

May 12, 2020, 12:03:13 PM5/12/20
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Hi Ashish,

Unfortunately this group is monitored by FHIR engineers and we do not have insight into other APIs available at client sites, their functionality, or how to access them outside of the FHIR APIs. The FHIR APIs do not support pushing notifications or messages to Message Center.

Thank you for your understanding,
Ben (Cerner)

Ashish Sharma

May 12, 2020, 12:18:51 PM5/12/20
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Thanks Ben.
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