Video player could not be opened error for video visit

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Eddie Soliman

Jun 2, 2021, 9:02:29 PM6/2/21
to Cerner FHIR Developers

Testing out video visit integration with the patient portal. The video visit shows up with a "Join Now" button, but when it is clicked, an error is displayed:

patient launch error 2.png

This is the appointment details showing the  telecom links:


    "resourceType": "Appointment",

    "id": "4828520",

    "meta": {

        "versionId": "1-1",

        "lastUpdated": "2021-06-03T00:36:20Z"


    "text": {

        "status": "generated",

        "div": "<div xmlns=\"\"><p><b>Appointment</b></p><p><b>Status</b>: Booked</p><p><b>Service Type</b>: Video Visit</p><p><b>Start</b>: Jun  2, 2021  9:00 P.M. UTC</p><p><b>End</b>: Jun  2, 2021  9:15 P.M. UTC</p><p><b>Slot Id</b>: 2572307911-21304876-63471989-480</p><p><b>Participants</b>:</p><dl><dd><b>Location</b>: MX Clinic 1</dd><dd><b>Practitioner</b>: Applegate MD, Christina</dd><dd><b>Patient</b>: ABTEST, CODE</dd></dl><p><b>Video Visit</b>: Yes</p></div>"


    "contained": [


            "resourceType": "HealthcareService",

            "id": "953636",

            "type": [


                    "text": "Patient Virtual Meeting Room"



            "telecom": [


                    "system": "url",

                    "value": "",

                    "period": {

                        "start": "2021-06-02T21:00:00.000Z",

                        "end": "2021-06-02T21:15:00.000Z"






            "resourceType": "HealthcareService",

            "id": "953639",

            "type": [


                    "text": "Provider Virtual Meeting Room"



            "telecom": [


                    "system": "url",

                    "value": "",

                    "period": {

                        "start": "2021-06-02T21:00:00.000Z",

                        "end": "2021-06-02T21:15:00.000Z"






    "status": "booked",

    "serviceType": [


            "coding": [


                    "system": "",

                    "code": "2572307911",

                    "display": "Video Visit",

                    "userSelected": true



                    "system": "",

                    "code": "394581000",

                    "display": "Community medicine (qualifier value)",

                    "userSelected": false



            "text": "Video Visit"



    "description": "Video Visit",

    "start": "2021-06-02T21:00:00Z",

    "end": "2021-06-02T21:15:00Z",

    "minutesDuration": 15,

    "slot": [


            "reference": "Slot/2572307911-21304876-63471989-480"



    "participant": [


            "actor": {

                "reference": "Location/21304876",

                "display": "MX Clinic 1"


            "required": "required",

            "status": "accepted"



            "type": [


                    "coding": [


                            "system": "",

                            "code": "4574",

                            "display": "Resource",

                            "userSelected": true



                    "text": "Resource"



                    "coding": [


                            "system": "",

                            "code": "PPRF",

                            "display": "primary performer"





            "actor": {

                "reference": "Practitioner/593923",

                "display": "Applegate MD, Christina"


            "required": "required",

            "status": "accepted"



            "type": [


                    "coding": [


                            "system": "",

                            "code": "4572",

                            "display": "Patient",

                            "userSelected": true



                    "text": "Patient"



            "actor": {

                "reference": "Patient/12753964",

                "display": "ABTEST, CODE"


            "required": "required",

            "status": "accepted"



            "type": [


                    "text": "Patient Virtual Meeting Room"



            "actor": {

                "reference": "#953636"


            "status": "accepted"



            "type": [


                    "text": "Provider Virtual Meeting Room"



            "actor": {

                "reference": "#953639"


            "status": "accepted"



    "requestedPeriod": [


            "start": "2021-06-02T21:00:00Z",

            "end": "2021-06-02T21:15:00Z"




Any ideas why the "Join Now" button is giving the error? It seems it is not launching  the telecom patient URL specified in the appointment.



Fenil Desani (Cerner)

Jun 3, 2021, 12:42:07 AM6/3/21
to Cerner FHIR Developers
Thank you for reaching out! We will take a look and revert.
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