[Ann] Cerberus 0.7.8 Released

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Craig Jolicoeur

May 1, 2010, 9:49:20 AM5/1/10
to cerbe...@googlegroups.com
I'm happy to announce the release of Cerberus 0.7.8 available from:

gem: http://rubygems.org/downloads/cerberus-0.7.8.gem
tarball: http://github.com/cpjolicoeur/cerberus/tarball/REL_0.7.8
zipfile: http://github.com/cpjolicoeur/cerberus/zipball/REL_0.7.8

This is a minor release that only adds password support to the IRC publisher.
If you dont use the IRC publisher, or dont need password suport for IRC,
you can ignore this release if desired. I felt this was probably
important enough
to push out as a new release for those who are using the IRC publisher.

To install the latest from the command line, do the usual:
$ gem install cerberus

You can find the new release changes at:

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