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Initiate build from git post-receive hook. how?

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Jason Meridth

May 12, 2009, 1:15:44 PM5/12/09
to Cerberus
how to invoke the build from a git post-receive hook. What is the URL/
ssh call that must occur to initiate the build? is it simply a ssh
into the cerberus server and issuing the "cerberus build APP_NAME"?

Craig Jolicoeur

May 12, 2009, 1:27:27 PM5/12/09

Ceberus isn't aware of continuous activity in your repository. If you
are looking for something with hooks or something that continuously
monitors new commits to your repos you'll have to look into another
continuous builder app.

Cerberus was deliberately designed to be as lightweight as possible
and does not include those features yet.

Most users simply setup a CRON job to run periodically.

Or you could code your own post commit hook that ran the cerberus
command on the server.

- Craig

Jason Meridth

May 12, 2009, 1:31:46 PM5/12/09
to Cerberus
Gotcha. Figured as much. A git post-receive hook should pretty easy
to work with ssh.


On May 12, 12:27 pm, Craig Jolicoeur <> wrote:
> Jason,
> Ceberus isn't aware of continuous activity in your repository.  If you
> are looking for something with hooks or something that continuously
> monitors new commits to your repos you'll have to look into another
> continuous builder app.
> Cerberus was deliberately designed to be as lightweight as possible
> and does not include those features yet.
> Most users simply setup a CRON job to run periodically.
> Or you could code your own post commit hook that ran the cerberus
> command on the server.
> - Craig
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