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Cerberus 0.7 release

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Craig Jolicoeur

Aug 5, 2009, 10:59:36 AM8/5/09
Hello everyone.

I release version 0.7 of Cerberus this morning. You can grab the gem
(and tar or zip file) now from RubyForge.

Thanks to all who had a part in this release. Paul Hinze added bazaar
SCM support. Joe Van Dyk did some general code cleanup and Git SCM

I believe I fixed the issue with the email publisher not working with
the new ActionMailer 2.3.3 gem and I'd appreciate if a few of you
could verify that for me as well.

So, grab the new version and kick the tires with it. Get the word out.

I'd really like to see Cerberus get some more usage and to see it grow
into a really mature, lightweight tool in the coming months.

Here is the changelog details for version 0.7

== Version 0.7
New config options, Bazaar SCM support, removed GMailer bugfixes

* added support for bazaar scm
* fixed bug with ActionMailer 2.3.3
* removed GMailer library. Use default Mail publisher instead
* added 'build_dir' option for setting custom build directory
* added 'setup_script' option for a custom script to be run before build command
* Projects using the Git SCM were not getting the full diff output in
their Publishers

Craig Jolicoeur

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