FW: The 6th Annual SeedMoney Challenge is accepting applications: 315 grants and $55,000 in funding are up for grabs

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Rohlich, Amanda

Nov 6, 2020, 1:02:43 PM11/6/20
to centraltxschoo...@googlegroups.com

FYI—funding opportunity below.


Amanda Rohlich, MPA 
Pronouns: she / her / hers

Business Process Consultant Sr., Food Policy Advisor
Working remotely – please call my cell: (512) 350-5727

Office of Sustainability | City of Austin


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From: comfood...@elist.tufts.edu <comfood...@elist.tufts.edu> On Behalf Of Roger Doiron
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2020 1:27 PM
To: comfood <com...@elist.tufts.edu>
Subject: [COMFOOD: ] The 6th Annual SeedMoney Challenge is accepting applications: 315 grants and $55,000 in funding are up for grabs


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Experienced gardeners know that the "Garden Hose Hustle" that this guy is demonstrating is not the best way of getting water to the roots of thirsty plants. What's true for garden watering is also true for garden fundraising: certain methods are more effective and resource-efficient than others. 


SeedMoney is a 501c3 nonprofit that has come up with what we think is a better way of helping school gardens, community gardens, community farms, food bank gardens and other "garden-variety" nonprofit causes to raise funds. We call it "crowdgranting" and, as you probably guessed, it combines crowdfunding with challenge grants. 


Since 2015, we have helped 1350 garden/farm projects raise over $1.1 million through our annual SeedMoney Challenge which runs from November 15th to December 15th. Our next Challenge is just around the corner with 315 grants and $55,000 in funding up for grabs. No previous grant-writing or crowdfunding experience is required. Any project benefitting a public food garden is eligible to apply with no geographic restrictions. Projects can be existing gardens or planned ones that have yet to break ground.


Unlike most crowdfunding platforms, SeedMoney does not charge any platform fees or transaction fees. If your project raises $1000, for example, it receives $1000 along with any grant funding your project wins. Grants are awarded on a sliding scale from $100-$700 depending on how much you raise. Most projects raise $500-$1000, but each year we have projects that raise $5000 or more.


If this sounds like something you'd be interested in pursuing, you can go to https://donate.seedmoney.org/ to get started on your crowdgranting journey. If you have a friend, family member or colleague who you think could be interested, please forward this message to them. I'm also pasting a graphic below in case you want to share it via your social media channels.


Thank you very much,





Roger Doiron | Founder & Director, SeedMoney

3 Powderhorn Drive, Scarborough, ME 04074

Phone: (207) 956-0606 | Facebook | Twitter | InstagramLinkedIn

ro...@seedmoney.org |  www.seedmoney.org 

Join Our E-list | Watch Our Promo Video | Apply for a Grant |Donate



Grants for Food Garden Projects.jpg

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