Hear the wisdom of a seasoned peacemaker

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Pat Marida

Jun 1, 2022, 12:13:10 PM6/1/22
to Central Ohioans for Peace

     I’ve known Greg Coleridge since the 1980s when we were both working in the Ohio Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign.  Greg worked for many years for the American Friends Service Committee in the Akron area.  I have known a number of Quaker peacemakers and they are into peacemaking for the long haul.  Greg speaks with the wisdom of his many years’ experience and his knowledge and understanding of world politics.  His talk, followed by answering questions, is a rare treat.    –Pat  


.coweek- catch Greg Coleridge on YouTube




Stopping violence, war and terrorism through peaceful, just, and democratic means.




2022 Annual Membership Meeting


Keynote speaker:

Greg Coleridge

“Cultivating Peace with Justice in a Militarized World”


Wednesday, May 18, 2022



Greg asked us to circulate these links:


War Is (Still) A Racket: Corporate Power and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine


Banks Bank on War Profits


Motion to Amend ~ Sign the Petition


Petition calling on Ohio Attorney General to Dissolve FirstEnergy Corporation








Cleveland Peace Action | 2592 W. 14th St., Ste. 109, Cleveland OH 44113 peaceactioncleveland.org | 440-703-0215 | clevelandp...@gmail.com


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