Rally at Battelle: International Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Enters Into Force!

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Patricia A. Marida

Jan 24, 2021, 9:52:55 PM1/24/21
to First UU JAM, Central Ohioans for Peace

Image may contain: outdoor, text that says 'BATTELLE TELLE NUCLEAR NUCL WeAPOONS PONS NOW ILLEGAL Paul Becker Becker1999'All,  


     I was truly overwhelmed with the enthusiasm and passion and energy shown by everyone at the rally at Battelle on Jan. 22, the day of the Entry Into Force of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. These omnicidal weapons are now being stigmatized – as evidenced by Battelle trying to distance themselves from their involvement in nuclear weapons research and development. We were there quite a long time, well over 2 hours!  Here is a link to Paul Becker’s photos of the rally.  Ralph Orr Facebook writeup and photos of Battelle rally are posted under Resources for Protests.


    1-22-21 GrassRoot Ohio: Carolyn Harding interviews Mary Olson & Pat Marida on the Entry Into Force of the UN Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and the Effects of Radioactivity on Women and Girls.  Here is the YouTube link.  Here is the audio Soundcloud podcast link.   28 minutes


    Sierra Club Hails the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons “Entering Into Force” on January 22, 2021


    My article in the Columbus Free Press gives an overview of the Treaty: January 22, 2021: Entry Into Force! The United Nations Treaty On The Prohibition Of Nuclear Weapons 


     It’s been quite a week. There have been several excellent webinars Friday and Sat. on the Treaty and disarmament.     




Patricia A. Marida

Member, Sierra Club Nuclear Free Core Team

Member, Sierra Club John Muir Society




“Anyone who would substitute plutonium for carbon needs to think again.”  ~ S. David Freeman, past chair, Tennessee Valley Authority





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