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Two videos, a spreadsheet & a podcast

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Melonie Buller

Jun 7, 2020, 12:10:46 PM6/7/20
to Central Ohioans for Peace
I am opening with a link to Throughline podcast recounting a history of the formation of police departments in the US.  Followed by 2 videos of the Columbus protests.  A Slate article about a couple of people who are compiling a spreadsheet of police violence videos.

Sarah Smarsh, a journalist and author living in Wichita, Kansas, has noted the number of protests in smaller communities all over the US.  Check out Sarah on Facebook or Twitter.

Finally, this from the New York Times about what people are reading:  "As of this writing, almost all of the top best-selling books on Amazon (seven out of 10) and at Barnes & Noble (nine out of 10) take on these topics, including “How to Be an Antiracist,” by Ibram X. Kendi, “White Fragility,” by Robin DiAngelo, and “So You Want to Talk About Race,” by Ijeoma Oluo...The week before there were none."

The Throughline podcast:

My friend Elisa Stone Leahy created this short video of the June 6, 2020 protest and posted on her Facebook page.

This second video is a scene in Columbus from earlier in the week.  Police in their black riot gear.  A few protestors testing the space in between the main group of protestors and the police.

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