December 14th meeting - CIJUG Code Off

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Nov 13, 2017, 1:18:11 PM11/13/17
to Central Iowa Java Users Group
We are going to try something different for our December meeting.  Instead of a speaker, we will host the first ever CIJUG Code Off.  We would like to give an opportunity for our members to show us their stuff.  This will be a chance for the community to show off its creativity and passion for JVM technologies.  For this challenge, we will be implementing a Connect Four game.  The requirements for the application are listed below.  All entries are due by Thursday December 7th at 5 pm.  Up to three entries will then be selected by the CIJUG board to come present their solution at the December 14th meeting.  The winner will then be selected by the audience at the December 14th meeting.  The winner will receive a $50 Amazon gift card.

The rules are as follows:
  1. Implement the requirements below using any JVM language or frameworks.  
    1. The solution needs to be demoable but does not need to have a fully functional UI associated to it.
    2. The solution can be any size.
    3. The solution must use at least 1 JVM language or framework to qualify.
    4. The solution must compile and run without crashing.
  2. Create a public GitHub (or similar service) repository and check in the solution.
    1. There can be multiple authors on the project.  Be sure to include all of the authors' name in a README file checked in to the repository.
  3. Submit the address of the public repository to by Thursday December 7th at 5 pm.
  4. The CIJUG board members will judge the solution on the following areas:
    1. Use of JVM languages and frameworks
    2. Functionality and Use
    3. Creativity
  5. If selected as a finalist, the author(s) of the solution will be invited to demo their solution at the Thursday December 14th CIJUG meeting.
    1. The demo should be around 20 minutes.
    2. The demo should show the application running and walk through the main logic flows listed in the requirements.
  6. The audience at the December 14th meeting will vote on the finalists.  Winner will be declared by majority vote.
This is an experiment and is the first time we have done anything like this, so we are definitely looking for feedback on the event.  Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.  We look forward to your participation!

The requirements for the Connect Four game are as follows:

Connect Four

Given a playfield
And two players
When the players load the playfield
Then the players see a playfield that is a grid with 6 rows and 7 columns
And the players see a prompt to play a new game

Given a prompt to play a new game
And two players
When the players select to play a new game
Then the players are prompted to enter player 1’s name

Given a prompt to enter player 1’s name
When a player enters a name
And the player presses enter
Then the players are prompted to enter player 2’s name

Given a prompt to enter player 2’s name
When a player enters a name
And the player presses enter
Then the players see a playfield that is a grid with 6 rows and 7 columns
And player 1 is assigned to the red color
And player 2 is assigned to the black color
And player 1 is in control of the playfield

Given player 1 is in control of the playfield
When player 1 selects a cell of the grid
Then that cell is filled with the red color
And player 2 is in control of the playfield

Given player 2 is in control of the playfield
When player 2 selects a cell of the grid
Then that cell is filled with the black color
And player 1 is in control of the playfield

Given player 1 is in control of the playfield
When there are 4 red colored cells horizontally adjacent to each other
Then player 2 is not in control of the playfield
And the players see a prompt that the game is over
And the players see in the prompt that player 1 has won
And the players see in the prompt an option to play another game

Given player 1 is in control of the playfield
When there are 4 red colored cells vertically adjacent to each other
Then player 2 is not in control of the playfield
And the players see a prompt that the game is over
And the players see in the prompt that player 1 has won
And the players see in the prompt an option to play another game

Given player 1 is in control of the playfield
When there are 4 red colored cells diagonally adjacent to each other
Then player 2 is not in control of the playfield
And the players see a prompt that the game is over
And the players see in the prompt that player 1 has won
And the players see in the prompt an option to play another game

Given player 2 is in control of the playfield
When there are 4 black colored cells horizontally adjacent to each other
Then player 1 is not in control of the playfield
And the players see a prompt that the game is over
And the players see in the prompt that player 2 has won
And the players see in the prompt an option to play another game

Given player 2 is in control of the playfield
When there are 4 black colored cells vertically adjacent to each other
Then player 1 is not in control of the playfield
And the players see a prompt that the game is over
And the players see in the prompt that player 2 has won
And the players see in the prompt an option to play another game

Given player 2 is in control of the playfield
When there are 4 black colored cells diagonally adjacent to each other
Then player 1 is not in control of the playfield
And the players see a prompt that the game is over
And the players see in the prompt that player 2 has won
And the players see in the prompt an option to play another game

Given the players see a prompt with an option to play another game
When the players select yes
Then the players see a playfield that is a grid with 6 rows and 7 columns
And player 1 is assigned to the red color
And player 2 is assigned to the black color
And player 1 is in control of the playfield

Given the players see a prompt with an option to play another game
When the players select no
Then the program exits 

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