1. Come to the Public Hearing: Tues February 26th, 7:30PM, Carrboro Town Hall
-Please come to the hearing and let the Aldermen know how you feel about this massive development & parking lot in the Center of Carrboro
2. Look at this slide show to if you want to get an idea of what CVS is proposing to do:
Click here to see the presentation.
Some of the newest CVS plans are slightly different, but not that much.
3. Write letters to the Aldermen ASAP. Specifically address the rezoning. We suggest you put "201 N. Greensboro St. Rezoning" in the subject line. This is because of a quirky way local government works. The Aldermen will vote on 2 issues; The Rezoning and the Conditional Use Permit. The Alderman can only take comments on the Rezoning before the meeting, but not the permit.
Actually when the town calls this the "Rezoning of 201 N. Greensboro St.", that is a bit misleading. Its actually a rezoning of 100 Center St, 104 Center St, 103 Short St, 101 Short St, 203 N Greensboro and 201 N Greensboro St. This is 6 out of the 7 properties on this block. The rezoning is pretty radical since properties will be changed from residential and small commercial uses to heavy commercial uses that would allow 24 hour big box stores. This rezoning takes place right next to the established historic residential neighborhood on Center St. Plus this rezoning would remove the Downtown Neighborhood Protection overlay that was put in place to protect the adjacent residential neighborhoods.
Here are some ideas for letters to the Aldermen:
-This rezoning would reverse 40 years of town policy and zoning that has protected the historic downtown neighborhoods from heavy commercial development.
-Carrboro's 2020 vision document lays out several policies for downtown development. This massive rezoning for CVS does not adhere to these policies:
- Policy 2.11: “Infill development should take place in a manner that...enhances neighboring areas.”
- Policy 2.42: “Development throughout Carrboro should be consistent with its distinctive town character. The town should adhere to policies that limit the widening of roads, encourage plantings alongside roads, preserve historic areas, buildings and older neighborhoods, and retain unspoiled green spaces and other natural areas.”
- Policy 3.1: “In the interest of environmental preservation, new commercial development must minimize negative environmental impact, it must emphasize appropriate buffers, and it must not compromise the integrity of established neighborhoods.”
- It is more appropriate and consistent with town policies is to keep the Fringe Commercial and residential zonings on Center Street and allow small businesses to thrive there. An obvious example is the "Curl-up And Dye" salon on Center St.
-The current zoning already allows for heavy commercial development along Greensboro St (201 & 203 N. Greensboro St). That is the appropriate place to have this heavy commercial development. The Downtown Neighborhood Protection (DNP) should be kept on this block.
-CVS is already located in an area that is appropriately zoned for a 24-hour Pharmacy and Grocery Store. There is no compelling reason for CVS to move. The current CVS store can expand in its current location. CVS and Harris Teeter can work with the Carr Mill Mall to redevelop their current location if they wish to expand their stores.
-When CVS bought properties on Center St, they were aware that the current zoning would not allow heavy commercial on those properties for their 24-hour Parking lot. There is no compelling reason that the Town of Carrboro should change their zoning and policies to accommodate CVS corporation in moving their store.