Tonight Planning Board meeting

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Center Of Carrboro

Mar 1, 2012, 6:53:13 PM3/1/12

1.  Tonight at 7:30 PM the Carrboro planning board will meet to discuss the request of CVS to rezone several properties (including residential) to build a CVS and a large parking lot.  This meeting is at Carrboro Town Hall

Please see 
for a refresher on the details.

2.  More Importantly..  There will be a public hearing and a vote scheduled at the Board of Alderman meeting on Tues March 27th at 7:30PM

It will be important to hear all Carrboro citizens concerns about this large development.  The board of Alderman will decide whether 6 properties right next to Carrboro's historic neighborhood can dramatically change zoning designation to allow for this CVS & parking lot.  Please come the March 27th meeting if you would like your opinion heard.

The Aldermen understand that Carrboro voices will also be heard by sending them emails telling them what you want to see happen on that corner. 

Thanks for reading.  We will be sending out more information soon!

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