Import CellBots to Android Studio

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Magnus Ivarsson

Mar 22, 2019, 8:09:19 AM3/22/19
to Cellbots

I have downloaded the CellBots source code from Google Code Archive
and want to set it up in Android Studio.
How do I do that?

Regards MagI

Magnus Ivarsson

Mar 25, 2019, 10:54:18 AM3/25/19
to Cellbots

When Cellbots in 2011, was available on Google Code,  I user Subclipse and SVN to import it to Eclipse.

But now I dowload the source code as a zip file and extract it and its full of SVN files so I guess it needs to be installed as a SVN code to be imported correctly to Android Studio.

Anybody know how to import the Cellbots code to Android Studio correctly?

Regards MagI

Magnus Ivarsson

Mar 27, 2019, 7:27:35 AM3/27/19
to Cellbots
Hi again.

I mean do I need to upload the SVN source code to a  Subversion  server and set it up there, in some way, 
to then be able to import it to Android Studio  with "Check out project from version control / Subversion  "  ?

Regards MagI

Mar 27, 2019, 7:42:51 AM3/27/19
to cellbots

did you try the other stuff? (robotsanywhere/explorationuplink)

if you have, what i can do is upload the android studio project for cellbots on my server, and you can just grab it from there

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Magnus Ivarsson

Mar 27, 2019, 8:09:36 AM3/27/19
to Cellbots

I just really would like to know how you got the source code from cellbots to my android studio.
Is there a way for me to use this unzipped cellbots code and get it imported to android studio?

If it is very complex then I would really like to get it from your server.

But there must be a way for me to use this source code from google code archive and get it in to android studio.

I will ask people globally until I get a solution.
There must be a way.  
Someone must know how.
I just want to make sure I get the source code from its source, so to say......

Regards  MagI

Mar 27, 2019, 9:14:04 AM3/27/19
to cellbots
at this point it's reall old code, i'm just happy i got it to compile at all

Magnus Ivarsson

Mar 27, 2019, 3:04:19 PM3/27/19
to Cellbots

So do you know how I can import my cellbots source code downoad from  google code archive to android studio ?
I really want to try it in android studio.

Regards MagI

Magnus Ivarsson

Mar 27, 2019, 3:04:56 PM3/27/19
to Cellbots

So do you know how I can import my cellbots source code downoad from  google code archive to android studio ?
I really want to try it in android studio.

Regards MagI

On Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 2:14:04 PM UTC+1, spiritplumber wrote:

Magnus Ivarsson

Mar 27, 2019, 9:46:14 PM3/27/19
to Cellbots
So can I grab it from your android studio in some way?


On Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 2:14:04 PM UTC+1, spiritplumber wrote:

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Mar 27, 2019, 10:04:13 PM3/27/19
to cellbots
i attached it to the last email

Magnus Ivarsson

Apr 4, 2019, 10:55:04 AM4/4/19
to Cellbots

I can not get the cellbots code to work in eclipse or android studio.
Does anybody know how to set the cellbots code up on a Subversion / svn server so I can install it to eclipse and android studio with a  Subversion / svn link ,  
as google set it up some years ago 2011 ?

I have downoaded the cellbots zip file source  and extracted it.
How do I send it to a  Subversion / svn server so I then can import it to eclipse and android studio  with a   Subversion / svn link ?

Regards MagI

Apr 4, 2019, 12:34:07 PM4/4/19
to cellbots
Did you try to import just the folder? I sent you a .zip with the android studio project last week, did you receive it?

Magnus Ivarsson

Apr 6, 2019, 12:27:31 PM4/6/19
to Cellbots
Hi spiritplumber.

I can not find  your zip file but I can download it from google code archive here.

Am I to import the all of those extracted zip files to eclipse and android studio?

I got this from a forum to, I guess, set up the SVN code in some way and then get a svn  link to use to improt it to eclipse and android studio(I guess).
But I do not know how to use it.
Can someone translate it  to something simple so I can understand it?
Am I supposed to do those lines in android studio?  


[*]Do an "svnadmin create /path/to/repo".
[*]Do an "svn checkout file:///path/to/repo".
[*]Change working directory into the working copy created in step 2.
[*]Download and unpack the cellbots code into the working copy.
[*]Do an "svn add *".
[*]Do an "svn ci -m 'cellbots original code'"

Then feel free to make changes and checkin as often as you wish.  

Regards MagI

Magnus Ivarsson

Apr 6, 2019, 12:32:49 PM4/6/19
to Cellbots

I can find cellbots at github.

Is it possible to import cellbots from github to eclipse and android studio in some way?

Can I my self upload the cellbots code from google code archive to github and then import it to eclipse and android studio?

Regards MagI  

Magnus Ivarsson

Apr 8, 2019, 7:23:50 AM4/8/19
to Cellbots
Hi .

I downloaded you  


and managed to extrakt it.

I have installed all of it to android studio but I can not create an apk or run a virtual phone there.

Can someone explain how to get it working in android studio?

Regards MagI

On Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 6:34:07 PM UTC+2, spiritplumber wrote:

Magnus Ivarsson

Apr 9, 2019, 6:48:57 PM4/9/19
to Cellbots
Hi spiritplumber .

Ok, so I have been talking to some people who know stuff and they say that the cellbots code is to old.

So now I need to know more about you  RobotsAnywhere code.

Do you have something like Cellbots that is now working, to control a LEGO Mindstorms robot by bluetooth  from a windows 10 PC?
Or what circuits/cards does it work with? Rasberry/Arduino ?
Can I control a robot from a windows 10 computer ,  as with the cellbots code?
Can I set up the source code on android studio (I guess Eclipse is out or ? )

Sorry for my latest behavior.   
I just loved cellbots.  
I need something like cellbots really much.



On Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 6:34:07 PM UTC+2, spiritplumber wrote:
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