Is this group still active?

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Kris Wood

Nov 22, 2016, 10:38:42 PM11/22/16
to Cellbots
I'd looked into doing a Cellbots based project a while back but lacked an arduino or money to buy components. Now I've got a good job and my ex wife got our son an arduino kit for his birthday so we've got both a good portion of the components needed and the money for the rest. He's convinced he's going to invent R2D2, which reminded me of the Cellbots project.

Unfortunately when I went to look for the site it seems to be offline, and no one's posted in this forum for a year. Is the project still active? Do you need any help repairing the website?

Nov 23, 2016, 2:23:32 AM11/23/16
to cellbots
I don't know if it's still active or not but you're very welcome to the audio-serial stuff that we wrote at the time :) Email me for the source code or look for RobotsAnywhere on google play.

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