Database backend not returning results reliably

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Leo Dirac

27. 7. 2011. 17:08:3727.7.11.
I'm having trouble getting my task results reliably delivered through the database backend.  The problem repros in a trivial installation of celery + django.  Either I'm missing something or there's a bug here.

I have a trivial task to test with:
def flaky_add(a,b):
    if random.random() < 0.1:
    return a+b

When I run the task, I will sometimes get the results and sometimes not:

mbp:~/dev/try/djc$ ./ shell
Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Jun 24 2010, 21:47:49) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import cbridge.tasks as t
>>> r = t.flaky_add.delay(5,10)
>>> r.result
>>> r = t.flaky_add.delay(5,20)
>>> r.result
>>> r.result

I see the tasks running and completing or failing in celeryev.  I see the results in the celery_taskmeta table in mysql.  All that is reliable.  But the results *usually* don't get back to the AsyncResult object in the shell where the task was initiated.  The exception is the first time I enter the interactive shell, if I wait for the task to complete before asking for the result, then and only then will I get the result.  Then on subsequent attempts in the same interactive shell it doesn't work.  But the fact that I do get the results back in these limited and repeatable circumstances make me think I have the system properly configured.

My setup:
Mac 10.6 with Python 2.6.1
celery 2.2.7
djcelery 2.2.4
django 1.2.5
Broker is RabbitMQ 2.5.1
Results being saved into MySQL 5.1.46
Everything (celeryd, mysql, rabbitmq, django, celeryev, interactive shell) running on the same machine.


import djcelery

BROKER_HOST = "localhost"
BROKER_USER = "guest"

CELERY_RESULT_DBURI = "mysql://root:@localhost/trydjc"

Any pointers appreciated!

Leo Dirac

27. 7. 2011. 18:37:1827.7.11.
I figured this out.  It's fixed by:

mysql> set global transaction isolation level READ COMMITTED;

This is quite a landmine.  The docs warn about this if you're having deadlocks, but Django-celery's database backend basically doesn't work with innodb unless you change this setting because django runs everything in transactions by default.

I'd be happy to update the documentation to help with this if somebody tells me how.

Ask Solem

29. 7. 2011. 07:14:5829.7.11.

On 27 Jul 2011, at 22:08, Leo Dirac wrote:

> I'm having trouble getting my task results reliably delivered through the database backend. The problem repros in a trivial installation of celery + django. Either I'm missing something or there's a bug here.


> When I run the task, I will sometimes get the results and sometimes not:
> mbp:~/dev/try/djc$ ./ shell
> Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Jun 24 2010, 21:47:49)
> [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> (InteractiveConsole)
> >>> import cbridge.tasks as t
> >>> r = t.flaky_add.delay(5,10)
> >>> r.result
> 15
> >>> r = t.flaky_add.delay(5,20)
> >>> r.result
> >>> r.result
> >>>
> I see the tasks running and completing or failing in celeryev. I see the results in the celery_taskmeta table in mysql. All that is reliable. But the results *usually* don't get back to the AsyncResult object in the shell where the task was initiated. The exception is the first time I enter the interactive shell, if I wait for the task to complete before asking for the result, then and only then will I get the result. Then on subsequent attempts in the same interactive shell it doesn't work. But the fact that I do get the results back in these limited and repeatable circumstances make me think I have the system properly configured.

I see that you are using MySQL, what transaction isolation level is it configured to use?
If it using the default of repeatable-read, then you should try changing that to read-committed
as described here:

Ask Solem | +44 (0)7713357179

Ask Solem

29. 7. 2011. 07:49:5629.7.11.

On 27 Jul 2011, at 23:37, Leo Dirac wrote:

> I figured this out. It's fixed by:
> mysql> set global transaction isolation level READ COMMITTED;
> This is quite a landmine. The docs warn about this if you're having deadlocks, but Django-celery's database backend basically doesn't work with innodb unless you change this setting because django runs everything in transactions by default.
> I'd be happy to update the documentation to help with this if somebody tells me how.

Yeah, it is very unfortunate. Some code has been written to issue a warning
in this case, but it doesn't seem like it works.

For docs, you can create a pull request on github or submit a patch!

Leo Dirac

29. 7. 2011. 13:00:4229.7.11.
Thanks!  I'll do that.  I've also got a couple other patches I'll throw in that help with pickle security.

Do you know where the code to warn about isolation level is?  A bit of grepping didn't find it.

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