Google Maps API latest release and support for nullish coalescing

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Aug 20, 2023, 9:01:11 AM8/20/23
to CEF Python
I have been using cefpython for several years.  We primarily access a one of our own web pages that includes Google maps.  Starting late last week the webpage fails to load in cefpython, even though it still loads in Chrome.

The reason appears to be that the latest release of the Google Map Javascript API uses nullish coalescing syntax (a??b) implemented in ES2020 which is not supported in cefpython.

My options, at least as far as I have understood them so far, seem very limited:

1.  I understand that there is no polyfill for ?? and it can only be implemented by transpiling, which I dont think is an option for Google's code

2.  An ES2020 compliant version of CEF.  It doesn't appear that is likely anytime soon

3.  Stop using Google Maps API and replace it with an alternative.

Am I misunderstanding my options? Has anyone else run across a similar ES2020 issue and found an alternative approach?  
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