ECGI Summit 2023 - Call for abstracts

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Rubén Molero Alabau

May 5, 2023, 10:36:40 AM5/5/23

Dear CEI members, 

We are excited to announce the ECGI Summit 2023, organized by the CEI consortium, which will take place in Valencia, Spain from the 5th to the 8th of November.

This event will bring together experts and professionals in electrocardiographic imaging to discuss new and emerging technologies and foster connections within the ECGI community. 

We are now accepting abstract submissions on any topic related to technical aspects or clinical applications of ECGI. Both original work and review abstracts are welcome. 

Further details about the event, including registration and the program, will be shared soon on our website: 

Don't miss this opportunity to contribute to the growing ECGI community and share your expertise with fellow professionals. We look forward to your participation in the ECGI Summit 2023! 

Important dates to remember: 

Abstract Submission Deadline: June 30th, 2023 

Kind regards, 

The ECGI Summit Local Organizing Committee


Rubén Molero Alabau

PhD Student, Cardiac Oriented Research group (COR)

ITACA Institute, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Edificio 8G Camino de Vera s/n

46022 - Valencia, Spain

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