Individual letters of support to CeCe

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Natalie Dzerins

Jun 5, 2012, 8:26:52 AM6/5/12
to CeCe McDonald letter writing
Use this forum to discuss individual letters of support to CeCe. This
could just be sharing some of the contents of your letter or the
topics covered to give other people inspiration or letting a small
group of people cosign your letter.


Jun 8, 2012, 4:35:52 AM6/8/12
to CeCe McDonald letter writing
Hi Nat,
I've not given it a lot of thought yet (work etc. getting in the way,
will try to give it a start properly this weekend). But broadly, I
expect that I will talk about how I have seen her case unfold from the
UK, the responses that I have seen online and my motivations to try to
get involved. Not knowing her personally, I feel like all I can do is
express solidarity, and introduce myself and my background so that she
has the option to keep in touch if she wants. I've got some idea of
her interests from her writing on the support site, and the Amazon
book list they've publicised, so I might draw on some things there
(though I'm stumped when it comes to fashion!)

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Jun 8, 2012, 4:59:12 AM6/8/12
to CeCe McDonald letter writing
Hi Nat,
I've not given it a lot of thought yet (work etc. getting in the way,
will try to give it a start properly this weekend). But broadly, I
expect that I will talk about how I have seen her case unfold from the
UK, the responses that I have seen online and my motivations to try to
get involved. Not knowing her personally, I feel like all I can do is
express solidarity, and introduce myself and my background so that she
has the option to keep in touch if she wants. I've got some idea of
her interests from her writing on the support site, and the Amazon
book list they've publicised, so I might draw on some things there
(though I'm stumped when it comes to fashion!)


On Jun 5, 1:26 pm, Natalie Dzerins <> wrote:


Jun 8, 2012, 6:09:33 AM6/8/12
to CeCe McDonald letter writing
I have no idea why that posted twice...
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