Inviting you to upcoming CDL-related events at the Internet Archive

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Chris Freeland

Sep 20, 2022, 3:13:45 PM9/20/22
Hi everyone,

Here at the Internet Archive, we're gearing up for our annual October community events. I wanted to make sure this group was looped in on plans because I think there are some sessions & discussions that will be of interest:

Oct 11—Empowering Libraries Through Controlled Digital Lending
I'll be hosting a session on Oct 11 @ 10am PT about CDL and the Internet Archive's Open Libraries program. Audience is intended to be people who need an intro to or refresher about CDL, so if you have staff at your libraries that are new to the practice, here's a good chance to bring them up to speed. Registration is free & open to the public:

Oct 12—Library Leaders Forum: Virtual
This year, our Library Leaders Forum is split into a virtual & a physical gathering. For the virtual session, we’ll bring together hundreds of librarians, policy experts, publishers, authors, creators and library enthusiasts to hear about what all is happening at the Internet Archive. Participants will get an update on the lawsuit against our library for practicing CDL, we'll have a discussion about digital ownership, and we'll hear from librarians & policy experts outside the US about their efforts to establish CDL. If you can only join one of our events this October, this is the one that I think this particular list will find of most interest. Registration is free & open to the public:

Oct 19—Library Leaders Forum: In-Person
For our in-person session, hosted at the Internet Archive, we're bringing together builders who are actively working on CDL projects. We limited capacity due to COVID concerns, and have reached that limit. We will report activities & outcomes for those who are unable to join.

Oct 19—Building Democracy's Library
Finally, our annual celebration will be on the evening of Oct 19 for both in-person & virtual attendance. We'll kick off a new project, Democracy's Library, which is a free, open, online compendium of government research and publications from around the world. You can learn more & register at

Hope to see many of you at one or more of these sessions! Please feel free to share these invites with your colleagues, and do reach out with questions. My best,

Chris Freeland
Director of Open Libraries
Internet Archive
(314) 518-2412
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