Job Description:
Client is looking for a Java Consultant to support development and
maintenance of an internal tax law and rule application. The candidate
must have 5-7 years of experience and be able to clean up and create
new code. This tool will update users on changes on Tax laws (both
domestic and international). This project is a high exposure based
project as Manager is taking it over a critical point, the current
team is missing critical deadlines and not meeting expectations. The
code is J2ee, with Struts, JQuery, AJAX on the front end and Oracle PL/
SQL on the back end. Candidates must have.
Additional Job Info:
The project is phase II with critical deadlines reaching over the next
6 quarters. While the position is originally slated for 6 months, if
the person meets expectations Manager can see them as a long term
consultant. Outside of the technical skill set, it is critical for the
consultant to fit in with the current team dynamic.
Top 3 Skills (stack ranked) :
1. 5-7 years in creating and maintenance of an internal Java based
application in j2ee, j-query and ajax on front end development.
2. 3-5 years with Development with PL/SQL on backend development.
3. 3-5 of Implementation of struts 2 code in existing software.
Go To Work : N
Interview Info (date, time, process, interviewers) :
Interview can be set up very quickly. Manager will hire someone off
the phone interview but would rather a local candidate.
Work Environment (culture, deadline intensive, flexible hours, dress
code) :
Dress code is business casual, while there aren't specific deadlines,
there are key components that need to be development over the next 6
quarters. Days off and vacations need to be approved ahead of time so
the time table can be maintained. There are currently four consultants
supporting this initiative.
Business Challenge Client is Tasked with Solving :
This Project is a key part of client’s initiative to save money and
create more efficiency. This particular application will update users
in real time changes in both Domestic and international tax code.
Client spends millions of dollars each year with the big 5 financial
companies (for example Price water house coopers) to keep them
informed of changes with both domestic and international tax changes
and laws. As a means to save money, Client has been tasked with
building an application to track tax laws and changes and to keep
users (accountants, A/P and financial officers) aware of changes. As a
result of the potential cost savings to client and the fact that the
project has fallen behind schedule this is a high exposure position.
Who is the Internal/External Customer? (i.e., end-user or end-
client) :
The End user of this application will be The internal customer is
anyone keeps client compliant with taxes, for example, auditors,
financial analysts, accounts and accounts payable professionals in the
client network. While the application will be built in the Java Frame
work, it will also consist of in house client application (however,
candidates do not have to have experience with client)
Impact to the Internal/External Customer? (i.e., how does the end-
users job become easier?) :
When fully functional (Target date of late Q1 2012) this application
will update the financial users in real time changes in tax code.
Giving them quicker access to these changes, accomplishing quicker
filing, helping client save money by utilizing less outside
Project Stage/Lifecycle Info :
The project is in Phase II, while some of the application already
built and a limited number of users plugging info into the
Technical Environment :
The team is built with one technical lead and 2 consultant users, all
Java based.
Non-technical Skills (i.e., communication, problem solving, etc.): : a
key element of the position is fitting into the dynamic of the current
team. The consultant needs to be out going and not afraid to
communicate issues with the code.
EVP (why would someone take this position?) :
Client is a fortune 500 company and this position could last over 3
years. Also, working on the project with so much exposure could lead
to further job opportunities outside of this position. Plus, as this
application is new development the candidate will have the opportunity
to work a project through a full life cycle.
Hours of OT Anticipated :
At some points Manager may ask for some over time, but not every
Travel Details :
Drug Test/Background Check Requirements? :
Our contract with Client requires a drug test.
The right fit will be there on a long term basis.
Rishi Kumar