ganz herzlich laden wir Sie am kommenden Montag (17.10.11) zu zwei „grünen“ Workshops ins CDHK ein.
Am Vormittag findet in Kooperation mit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung der Workshop
„Changing Value Structures: How to Make Green Cool” und am Nachmittag
in Kooperation mit econet der Workshop“Green buildings with more nature and comfort
– made in Germany and its adaption in Chinese Cities” statt.
„Changing Value Structures: How to Make Green Cool”
“It isn’t easy being green”, says Kermit the Frog and he couldn’t be more right. But why is it,
that we have an unsustainable lifestyle and that changing behaviour seems such an impossible task?
Much of the policies that governments apply are targeted to raising awareness, but it seems unlikely
that awareness raising alone is the road to success. In this lecture program we want to discuss about
the barriers that make people restrain from a sustainable lifestyle. And with all the possible barriers –
what are successful ways to tackle them? How can “green” be promoted in China?
And how can traditional Chinese thoughts contribute to a “green awareness”?
Art: Workshop
Language: English, Chinese, 中文
Venue: Tongji University | Sino-German School for Postgraduate Studies (CDHK) | Chifeng Lu 50 | Room 204
Date and Time: Monday, 17th October 2011, 9:00-12:00
Das detaillierte Programm finden Sie unter:
“Green buildings with more nature and comfort– made in Germany and its adaption in Chinese Cities”
Buildings play a key role both in the quality of urban life and in tackling climate change – better living
standards in better cities are dependent on better building. The two workshops are provided by experts from
German companies, research institutes and professors from Tongji University. They will introduce and discuss
innovative technologies for sustainable buildings.
Workshop 1: Energy-friendly cooling and heating
Workshop 2: Integrated energy-saving solutions for sun-shading and building envelope
Art: Workshop
Language: English
Venue: Tongji University| Sino-German School for Postgraduate Studies (CDHK) | Chifeng Lu 50 | Room 204
Date and Time: Monday, 17th October 2011, 14:00-16:00
Das detaillierte Programm finden Sie unter:
Die Workshops sind Teil des Festprogramms "Deutsche Woche 2011" der Chinesisch-Deutschen Hochschule (CDH)
an der Tongji-Universitaet. Vom 11. bis zum 21. Oktober wird eine Vielzahl verschiedenster Veranstaltungen von Symposien
und Vortraegen über Kino und Fotoausstellung hin zu Fußball und Kulinarischem die deutsch-chinesische Zusammenarbeit
an der Tongji-Universitaet sichtbar und deutsche Lebensart erfahrbar machen. Das detaillierte Programmheft finden Sie unter:
Mit vielen Grüssen
Sabina Ihrig
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