IoT Group - BATL 451 - Tuesdays 5:00 - 6:00 pm

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Karl Nicholas

Jan 26, 2017, 5:54:41 PM1/26/17
to CCSF Coders


Jan 27, 2017, 12:02:10 AM1/27/17
to CCSF Coders

Let's make a repo within the club GitHub account:

...and also add to the club learning resources too:

I think CCSF Hackers & Sam Bowne have funding for IoT devices (I think they were advising Sam how to spend $40K last semester, so they may have bought some IoT devices).  Additionally, sounds like CNIT is going to teach an IoT course at some point in the future.

Pretty exciting!


Dylan James Smith

Jan 27, 2017, 10:44:54 AM1/27/17
to CCSF Coders

I'm excited about an IoT group. We'd been talking about a CCSF_HACKERS sub-group, a combined effort is great! We hope to get a team for by next year. I know we have interest and some personal equipment in hackers, but time is looking pretty scarce ATM.

There could be a Cisco IoT class as early as Fall... Keep an eye out, and I'll update when I hear more.

Unfortunately, the equipment on the $40k list is stalled. But now that the list is a bit out of date we may get to update it. I can solicit for more IoT devices, drop me a note if you want to be contacted about recommendations.

Dylan James Smith

Karl Nicholas

Jan 28, 2017, 5:56:19 PM1/28/17
to CCSF Coders

Over Christmas break I programmed the TI device I have to watch a motion sensor and send a text to my phone when it was activated. It then waited for a response (reply text) and parsed that response. 

I used as an intermediary to, which allows you to send and receive sms messages. I was just a fun weekend project, but demonstrative of the general ideas of home security.


Jan 30, 2017, 7:04:50 PM1/30/17
to CCSF Coders
If you have questions, Texas Instruments, as part their strategy in the IoT market with all the potential startups, offers Q&A forums that anyone can use for free:

...where they require their engineers to answer questions M-F during business hours.

A source of free engineering advice.

Karl Nicholas

Jan 31, 2017, 2:45:21 PM1/31/17
to CCSF Coders
TI also provides the Code Composer IDE ( based off of Eclipse.

Last week they sent me an update/addon for a TI Emulator. I haven't fired it up yet, but it's a great idea. You can get some experience with IoT without having to have a device.

One thing I'd be interested to see is if the emulator connects up to the Arduino/Pi SketchPad IDE. I connected my actual TI device to it no problem, so I don't see why not, but it will be interesting to try.

The popular MPS-EXP432R Launchpad costs $12.99 and you can get that and a Wifi Shield for $29.99.

The 432 Launchpad is meant for battery operated field operations. While a Raspberry Pi 3 has a 1 Ghz/Dual Core CPU (amazing), the 432 Launchpad is a 48 Mhz low power processer that is said to draw something like .7 or  uAmps (660nA RTC ) in idle mode.

Karl Nicholas

Feb 5, 2017, 11:39:32 PM2/5/17
to CCSF Coders
Next IoT coders-club meeting Tuesday, Feb 7, 405 pm in BATL 451.

Last IoT meeting we discussed what is the "Internet of Things"?  We decided to work on a simple 5-part tutorial from AT&T that I went to last semester. I found this article online article:

Kyle Reilly

Feb 8, 2017, 12:25:50 AM2/8/17
to CCSF Coders
Hey Karl. I'm going to be absent from the IoT meeting today. Need to study for a test!

Karl Nicholas

Feb 14, 2017, 4:51:16 PM2/14/17
to CCSF Coders
Ccsf IoT group meeting batmale 451 today 5::00. to 6;00. I may be running a little late coming from DevWeek conference.

Karl Nicholas

Feb 27, 2017, 8:31:11 PM2/27/17
to CCSF Coders
Ccsf IoT group meeting batmale 451  2-28-17 from 5::00. to 6;00. 

Karl Nicholas

Mar 13, 2017, 11:56:04 PM3/13/17
to CCSF Coders
Reminder for CCSF IoT group meeting batmale 451   -   

3-14-17 (Pi Day) from 5::00. to 6;00.

Karl Nicholas

Apr 3, 2017, 8:15:32 PM4/3/17
to CCSF Coders
Reminder for CCSF IoT group meeting batmale 451.

4-4-17 (Pi Day) from 5::00. to 6;00.

I got the essential C/C++ program working and want to add CCSF a Wifi connection, but need to figure out how to get past the RamId challenge from an IoT device. Something my cellphone isn't doing right now.

Karl Nicholas

Apr 12, 2017, 5:50:53 PM4/12/17


Apr 17, 2017, 10:48:36 PM4/17/17
Hi IoT subgroup,

I saw this ** free ** Amazon Loft event:

IoT | AWS Loft Architecture Week
Tue 4/25 & Wed 4/26

...anyone going to these sessions?


Karl Nicholas

Apr 17, 2017, 10:58:43 PM4/17/17
to CCSF Coders
I was at one day version of one of these last year and I can say it was one of the most amazing events I have ever attended. Pretty good at handling all levels by providing very detailed instructions and assistants, though it can get a bit detailed pretty quick. Nothing like getting a serious hand-holding session free from Amazon on how to wire the world from edge to core, and having Intel associated has to be a bonus. Go if you can.

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