[CCPPETMR/SIRF] Python/PET/interactive demos fail on VM (#370)

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2019年4月16日 17:56:002019/4/16
收件人 CCPPETMR/SIRF、Subscribed

The script display_and_projection.py runs ok, but subsequent running of any of the rest fail.

In Spyder (started from shell), running further scripts in the same console produces error messages suggesting that pystir is None, whereas running them in a separate dedicated console produces error message 'name pet is not defined'.

Richard checked that they also fail in IPython run in a terminal, so it is not a Spyder problem.

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Edoardo Pasca

2019年4月29日 06:58:352019/4/29
收件人 CCPPETMR/SIRF、Subscribed

There are a few problems here:

  1. the interactive scripts are meant to be executed in a specific order (in spyder) but the order is not so apparent and I suggest to change the name of the file to have 01_display_and_projection.py and so forth
  2. display_and_projection.py does not display any image if run as a whole script. If you run the cells then the images are plotted and everything seems fine.
  3. the scripts redefine slice function
  4. basic_reconstruction.py tries to display the slice 5 which is uniformly 0
  5. in reconstruction.py both acquisition_array and noisy_array have 4D so the display at these lines fail. Other plots fail because of the size of the array passed to imshow

Edoardo Pasca

2019年5月1日 11:50:592019/5/1
收件人 CCPPETMR/SIRF、Subscribed

Closed #370 via #374.

Edoardo Pasca

2019年5月1日 11:51:482019/5/1
收件人 CCPPETMR/SIRF、Subscribed

According to the README the scripts should be run cell-by-cell.

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