health matters/your drug my be your poison// secrets from the next dimension

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Dec 31, 2006, 3:06:34 PM12/31/06
to 1melody_yesterday@goog, 1ccoonnssppiirraacciieess
with as many people who have been psched out by many different factions who psychic stalk & psychologically rape
& so on & so forth - who have been made in ways far & wide to need drugs
there's a need for this info to be shared
--pass it on to anyone you know who is on meds & your concerned !
Health Matters : your drug my be your problem (definatly)
From: MSN Nickname_melody_yesterday_  (Original Message) Sent: 12/31/2006 1:57 PM

Spotlight customer reviews:

Customer Rating: Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5
Summary: This book is a must-read for independent thinkers.
Comment: In a culture so brainwashed with the Doctor as Deity myth, it's time we started thinking critically about the sources of information we rely so heavily on where our minds and bodies are concerned. The cult-like mentality that insists we blindly "follow doctors orders" discourages due heed to what our own questions are. This book serves as a landmark in exposing the dynamics of this cult, and shatters the glass bubble that has long-protected doctors from accountability. It's high time we re-wrote the "doctor knows best" mantra. This is a must-read for independent thinkers, and I challenge any psychiatrist with integrity to pick it up, rather than leaving it to the powers-that-be to form their opinion for them.

Customer Rating: Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5
Summary: An Important Alternative
Comment: This is an excellent book for professionals and patients alike. The authors provide an important guide for those seeking to get off psychiatric drugs. The book is very readable, and the authors pulled off the difficult task of making it interesting to a wide variety of people. Although Breggin and Cohen are outspoken opponents of the use of psychiatric drugs, they understand and respect the fact that it is often difficult for people to break free of their dependence on these drugs. The book is a must for anyone taking or considering taking these drugs, and for professionals seeking to help clients who want to stop using them.

Customer Rating: Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5
Summary: will help you from being poisoned by "safe" neurotoxins
Comment: Psychiatrist Peter Breggin and Social Work Professor David Cohen have written a long-overdue book on psychopoisons masquerading as "safe and effective medication". Your Drug May Be Your Problem addresses many key issues such as your right to be fully informed about these drugs, particularly their risks and non-medical alternatives, and especially the practical steps you can take to withdraw safely from the "antipsychotics"(neuroleptics), antidepressants and tranquilizers. The "10-percent method" in chapter 8 should be a big help to many psych survivors trying to withdraw. Other things I like about this book are its clear explanations and warnings about serious withdrawal reactions and its easy-to-understand language free of the usual psychobabble. This book could help save your health or life. Urge your doctor or shrink to buy a copy and demand they stop listening to the multinational drug pushers!

Customer Rating: Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5
Summary: Excellent source of hard-to-find drug information.
Comment: This is the perfect book for anyone who wonders why she or he feels WORSE -- whether emotionally or physically -- when using psychiatric drugs like Prozac or lithium. Both easy to understand and thoroughly researched, "Your Drug May Be Your Problem" explains why the drugs are dangerous, how to safely stop using them, and how to deal with emotional crises without resorting to drugs. In a culture in which psychiatric drugs are pushed by everyone from the White House down to the neighborhood elementary school, this book is a refreshing change. I WISH I'd had the information contained in this book six years ago when doctors put me on a nightmarish regimen of psychiatric drugs. All in all, a fascinating and enlightening read.

Customer Rating: Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5Average rating of 5/5
Summary: Vital information for treatment providers and consumers.
Comment: Peter Breggin and David Cohen have compiled critically important information that should be read by mental health treatment providers and consumers as well. The material is presented in a clear and concise way and covers issues of medication effects, the "pseudo-science" behind medications and discusses why medications are too often relied upon as the only "effective" treatment. This book is a great resource.

The US is a big stoned hippy on narcotics & should call N.A.

How do I know ???

I know...

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