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Dec 23, 2005, 10:48:06 AM12/23/05
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This week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such holidaze tales as:

- KGB's Secret UFO Files Finally Made Public -
- Robot Demonstrates Self Awareness -
- Manatees as Mermaids Far-Fetched Myth? -
- Stalin Planned Army of Ape-Man Super-Warriors -
AND - A Scot's Tale of Spooks! -

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

By Commander X

Here are true accounts of the "deadly deeds" committed by the blood-
soaked hands of those with whom we are supposed to place our loyalty,
trust, and utmost faith. Indeed, these accounts could be ripped from
the pages of the most exciting spy novels and action stories in cheap

Detailed in this amazing book are the strange deaths and murders of:
* Political figures, Congressmen, Governors, Senators.
* Scientists, physicists, computer experts, microbiologists.
* Activists, all types.
* Investigative Journalists and important researchers.

As well as innocent bystanders who were thought to KNOW TOO MUCH!

Death and murder has become the way of doing things in political
circles. The methods vary, but the outcome always remains the same.
For those who stand in the way, or threaten to expose the truth, the
consequences are not pleasant. Our freedoms and the safety of our
loved ones are threatened by those who seek ultimate control through
terror and death!

When you order this book, you will also receive a free audio CD,
Fusion Paranoia, a discussion with authors Kenn Thomas and Jim Keith
(who died under mysterious circumstances himself!).

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Psychic Archaeology and the Glastonbury Scripts

Automatic Writing and the Fluid Pen of
Patience Worth

The Enduring Enigma of the Hope Diamond

Kenny Kingston: Proving the Test of Time

Florida's Mysterious Coral Castle

- PLUS -
CIA Sculpture Continues to Baffle Cryptographers
UFOs: Creatures of the Sky?
Tests End Tut's Murder Mystery
Ontario, Canada's Haunted Cliff of Ekateniondi

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

KGB's Secret UFO Files Finally Made Public

KGB agents were making records of UFO observations in special Blue

Files comprising the famous Blue Folder have been declassified a
while ago. The prominent Soviet cosmonaut Pavel Popovich got the
folder from the KGB in 1991. These days Mr. Popovich holds the
position of honorary president of the Academy of Informational and
Applied Ufology. The folder contains numerous descriptions of UFO
flights and reports on some (mostly failed) attempts taken by the
military in order to catch the aliens.

Aliens acknowledged back in 1968 UFO

In 1968, 13 leading aircraft designers and engineers of a brand-new
aircraft section of the Soviet Committee on Space Technology and
Exploration forwarded a letter to the Soviet Prime Minister Alexei
Kosygin. Actually, it was a request to set up a special organization
for the study of UFOs. A reply to the letter was signed by
Academician Shchukin. It is an amazing document per se:

"A number of competent organizations of the Presidium of the USSR
Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Chief Directorate of
Meteorological Service, Defense Ministry and a few other agencies
considered the issue of nature of the so-called flying objects. The
organizations involved in the study of the atmosphere and space have
been instructed to register and do research on any cases of UFOs for
identification purposes. The USSR Academy of Sciences is charged with
general monitoring of the phenomena, and therefore a special
organization for the study of UFOs is not required."

"It was a real breakthrough," says Vladimir Azhazha, president of
the above academy and keeper of the Blue Folder. "The authorities not
only acknowledged the existence of UFOs for the first time, they also
showed their great interest in the issue," adds he.

"We got hold of the Blue Folder only in 1991," says Mr. Azhazha.
"Pavel Popovich was given the folder after requesting reports on the
cases of UFOs. I received the folder from Popovich, it was a 124-page
compilation of reports about the encounters with UFOs. The reports
filed by authorities, military units COs and eyewitnesses. It took us
a long time to get rid of some doubts before making the folder
public," says he.

Mr. Popovich saw an UFO only once while flying in a passenger plane
from Washington to Moscow. According to him, the object looked like a
shining triangle that popped up out of nowhere, for awhile it flew
near the plane at about 1,000 km per hour before vanishing without a

Despite the cover letter that effectively denied any special program
by the KGB for monitoring the UFO activities, the contents of the
folder indicated the opposite. It is quite obvious that the Soviet
secret police launched thoughtful investigations in several cases
e.g. an anomaly observed near the village of Burkhala of the Magadan
region on October 21, 1989. The report on the incident says: "The
eyewitnesses claim to have watched a red shining sphere circulating
above the village for half an hour." The northern lights are reported
to have shone extremely brightly all night long following the

The flying disks vanished in thin air after the explosion

KGB agents looked high and low trying to figure out what happened at
the airport of the city of Mineralnye Vody on December 15, 1987.
According to the airport dispatchers, at 23.15 the flight No 65798
reported an incoming "object resembling an aircraft with its
headlights on." The radars showed no aircraft whatsoever. Three
minutes later the UFO was gone as reported by the flight No 65789.

The crew of another plane also observed the UFO flying in that area.
The clock read approximately 23.20. According to crewmembers, the UFO
left a fiery trail in the air. The crews of the both planes
reported that the UFO had disappeared after the flash resembling an
explosion. A villager reported a burning plane flying over his
village at 23.30. The eyewitness said the plane then disappeared. The
eyewitness found no wreckage or other evidence of a plane crash.

No manholes found in the "Martian" spacecraft

>From time to time the military made attempts to deal with UFOs
independently. In August 1987, servicemen of an antiaircraft unit
based on the Tiksi Peninsula tried to "get to know better" an
unidentified flying object that appeared on a radar screen. The
report from Colonel Lobanov, a duty officer of the military unit No
45038, said: "An unidentified target detected by the radar station of
the commandant"s office of the antiaircraft unit at 05.45 Moscow
time." The target moved at a speed varying from 0 to 400 km per hour.
At 06.55 a helicopter MI-8 took off for a closer examination of the
object. Suddenly, the object became invisible. Another aircraft, the
AN-12 was flying in the vicinity at the time. At 3600 m the crew
reported an emerald cloud with a few traces of purple and dark spots
visible in the middle. Two inverse trails were reported behind the

An incident occurred in the Leningrad Military Region in early
August of 1987. Five officers were dispatched to the northern part of
Karelia to accompany an object of unknown origin that had been
located near the city of Vyborg. The object was said to be 14 m long,
4 meters wide and 2.5 m high. The military failed to open the
"extraterrestrial can." Eventually, the object disappeared from the
hangar late September.

On July 28, 1989, the arrival of an UFO spread panic among the
personnel of a military unit stationed in the vicinity of Kapustin
Yar, in the Astrakhan region. Corporal Valery Voloshin was on duty in
the communications center at the time. He filed the first report on
the case.

Researchers believe the Blue Folder is an invaluable source of
information. According to Mr. Azhazha, all reports and evidence on
record indicate that intelligent life forms control the objects that
mean no harm to human beings. At least no case of an attack by UFO
against man was found in the folder.

Source: Pravda

The Vatican UFOs & Secretum Omega

My name is Cristoforo Barbato I'm an Italian independent UFO
researcher, in the last seven years I have worked and writing for
different UFO magazines and frontier studies published in Italy:
NotiziarioUFO, Dossier Alieni, Stargate, Extra Terrestre and Stargate

I have also collaborated to the realization of two encyclopedias on
the UFOs subject entitled UFO Dossier X, of the Fabbri Edizioni and
Stargate - Enigmi dal Cosmo of Curcio Editore.

Besides I have participated as chairman in different natrional
symposium and conference on the UFOs where I have had the possibility
to know important UFOs researcher both Italians how international.

I send you following information that I think will interest you.


On the day 30 of April in the Palazzo della Provincia of Pescara
took place the Conference "UFO? the Truth is Top Secret, from Area 51
to Planet X", organized by the Ufobserver Cultural Association.

During the conference I related about underground bases in the USA
and dedicated the last fifteen minutes of my speech to a very short
summary of my work during last five years in a new direction that,
starting from now, will be the leading topic of my future lectures.
This is a little anticipation.

In the year 2000 I was working in Rome as an editor in the Stargate
Magazine and I wrote many articles about Fatima Apparitions, their
famous Third Secret and other Vatican State-related mysteries.

After the publication of these articles I started to receive many e-
mails from a person who qualified himself as a Vatican insider
longing to know me for my researches about Fatima.

>From those e-mails rose up the story of a presumed Vatican
Intelligence Agency named S.I.V. code - Servizio Informazioni del

After one year of such kind of epistolary contacts (in the meantime
that person had revealed to me he was a S.I.V. member from the Jesuit
order working in structures of the Holy See and could I verify that
this information was true), we finally met in a public place in
Rome and I realised that he knew much more than what he had said in
his mails.

Moreover, he sent to me some stuff including a video (shown during
the Pescara Conference) regarding observations of something like a
tenth planet approaching the Solar System.

Such video had been presumedly taped in 1995 from a space probe
named Siloe and its images had been later sent to a secret radio-
telescope hidden in an unused oil-refining plant in Alaska, totally
managed by Jesuits.

According to this person the reason to establish the S.I.V. was the
meeting with an Alien delegation at Muroc Air Field Base in February
1954 in presence of president Dwight Eisenhower and James Francis
McIntyre, bishop of Los Angeles.

After that incredible event McIntyre flew to Rome to refer
everything to Pope Pius XII who decided to found the S.I.V with the
aim to get every possible information about Aliens and how they
interacted with the American Government.

>From then bishop McIntyre and Detroit Archbishop Edward Mooney
became the main information co-ordinators between the USA and the
Vatican State. Incredibly, later on there should have been some
direct personal meetings between S.I.V. members and a nordic-looking
race of Aliens coming from the Pleiades.

These Aliens presumedly warned humans against another alien race met
by the Americans in the California Desert. These meetings between
S.I.V and Aliens took place mainly in the USA territory but also -
twice - in the Vatican State, precisely in Vatican Gardens at the
Papal Academy of Sciences in presence of Pope Pius XII.

My Jesuit contact also confirmed to me the reality of the George
Adamsky-John XXIII meeting and talked about some very interesting
details about it. He also called "Secretum Omega" the highest secrecy
level in S.I.V, equivalent to the NATO Cosmic Top Secret.

Thanks to your attention.

Best Regards, Cristoforo Barbato

Robot Demonstrates Self Awareness

A new robot can recognize the difference between a mirror image of
itself and another robot that looks just like it.

This so-called mirror image cognition is based on artificial nerve
cell groups built into the robot's computer brain that give it the
ability to recognize itself and acknowledge others.

The ground-breaking technology could eventually lead to robots able
to express emotions.

Under development by Junichi Takeno and a team of researchers at
Meiji University in Japan, the robot represents a big step toward
developing self-aware robots and in understanding and modeling human

"In humans, consciousness is basically a state in which the behavior
of the self and another is understood," said Takeno.

Humans learn behavior during cognition and conversely learn to think
while behaving, said Takeno.

To mimic this dynamic, a robot needs a common area in its neural
network that is able to process information on both cognition and

Takeno and his colleagues built the robot with blue, red or green
LEDs connected to artificial neurons in the region that light up when
different information is being processed, based on the robot's

"The innovative part is the independent nodes in the hierarchical
levels that can be linked and activated," said Thomas Bock of the
Technical University of Munich in Germany.

For example, two red diodes illuminate when the robot is performing
behavior it considers its own, two green bulbs light up when the
robot acknowledges behavior being performed by the other.

One blue LED flashes when the robot is both recognizing behavior in
another robot and imitating it.

Imitation, said Takeno, is an act that requires both seeing a
behavior in another and instantly transferring it to oneself and is
the best evidence of consciousness.

In one experiment, a robot representing the "self" was paired with
an identical robot representing the "other."

When the self robot moved forward, stopped or backed up, the other
robot did the same. The pattern of neurons firing and the subsequent
flashes of blue light indicated that the self robot understood that
the other robot was imitating its behavior.

In another experiment, the researchers placed the self robot in
front of a mirror.

In this case, the self robot and the reflection (something it could
interpret as another robot) moved forward and back at the same time.
Although the blue lights fired, they did so less frequently than in
other experiments.

In fact, 70 percent of the time, the robot understood that the
mirror image was itself. Takeno's goal is to reach 100 percent in the
coming year.

Source: Discovery News
Picture: Courtesy of Junichi Takeno

Manatees as Mermaids Far-Fetched Myth?

The poor, portly manatee, having to endure this gibe time and again:

"The early explorers thought manatees were mermaids. Guess they'd
been at sea a little too long!"

Local tour guides have their own versions of the line, and the
Internet offers dozens more. Even an estimable literary journal, The
Believer, lampooned recently that the female Florida manatee's tail,
forelimbs and "prominent nipples" make it "a likely progenitor of the
mermaid myth; however, the manatee face -- jowly, with the bone
structure of a sock puppet -- compounded by a 2,000- to 3,000-pound
body (declared distinctly more minivan than mermaid in shape analysis
studies), challenges the notion of manatee as marine temptress."

Any seafarer attracted to a manatee, that author concluded, must
have been delusional from rickets.

Manatees as mermaids? At Blue Spring State Park in Orange City,
where hundreds of manatees spend the winter, the concession stand
cashiers snickered at the thought.

Yet in a certain type of sunlight, filtered through the crystal
waters of Blue Spring, the manatees reveal a startling grace. As they
migrate each morning toward the St. Johns River, undulating softly
without breaking the surface, the mermaid connection seems, suddenly,
less laughable.

Historians, folklorists and scientists say it's no joke at all.

The order Sirenia, to which the Florida manatee belongs, is from the
Latin siren, or mermaid. The myth of a part-woman, part-fish with
great seductive powers (and no scruples) has existed since antiquity.
As long as there have been seafarers, it seems, there have been
mermaids to mess with their minds.

The mermaid has occasionally been depicted in writing and art as
ugly, but she is more often pretty, if a little lewd. In her brashest
incarnation she sings loudly and hoists her split tail around her
head, like some tantric yogi -- a far cry from Disney's doe-eyed and
marriage-minded Ariel.

"Usually these legends of singing sirens were made by sailors as
explanations for why they were led astray," said Natalie Underberg, a
folklorist at the University of Central Florida.

The New World sirens were a gentler, if homelier, lot.

Sailing near the Dominican Republic in 1493, Christopher Columbus
described in his log some "female forms" that "rose high out of the
sea, but were not as beautiful as they are represented." (They did
not, it's worth noting, wreck his ship.)

Anthony Piccolo, a professor of literature at Manhattanville College
in Purchase, N.Y., said Columbus was mentally primed for mermaids
when he saw what history holds to be manatees.

Folklore and early travelers' tales featured mermaids aplenty, and
"the old maps of the known world" -- including those Columbus
consulted -- "were always fringed with mermaids and monsters."

In 1614 an English explorer, John Smith, claimed to have seen a
mermaid in the Caribbean, and was more impressed than his Italian
forbear. "Her long green hair imparted to her an original character
by no means unattractive," he wrote in his log, adding that he'd
"begun to experience the first effects of love," when the mermaid
turned over and revealed her fish parts.

Even present-day observers have discerned human attributes in sea

In the 30 years that James Powell, a biologist with the Wildlife
Trust in St. Petersburg, has worked with manatees, "there have been
times when they come up out of the water and the light has been such
that they did look like the head of a person."

"If you were expecting to see a mermaid," he said, "you'd see this
back and tail come up with no dorsal fin" -- as many mermaids are

Ada Forney, a professional storyteller in Melbourne, said that
sometimes, when manatees munch vegetation in the shallows, "the
seaweed flows around their heads in a way that almost looks like

Piccolo said manatees would have appeared only more human, and
enticing, to New World explorers.

The Age of Exploration was also the age of Peter Paul Rubens, the
Flemish painter of voluptuous models. The female ideal was much
heavier then, and "deprivation of intimacy inflamed all these
voyages," Piccolo said. "Anything in the water became a projection of
the sailors' need for contact."

The sailors were deprived in other ways too. "Some were near their
deaths from hunger. It's incredible to me how human beings could
endure the extremes on these voyages . . . when you see the ship
Columbus used, it's like a little pot," Piccolo said, without heat,
fresh food, or anything resembling comfort.

Some of these sailors apparently conflated their desires for food
and for intimacy, seeing both possibilities in the Rubenesque manatee.

In 1789, a Scottish magazine reported that the crew of the Halifax,
sailing in the Caribbean, had caught and killed several, and that
they tasted like veal.

For those sailors who preferred to love the mermaids instead of
eating them, it is not entirely clear how far they went.

At least one manatee specialist has written of "abnormal relations"
between sailors and dugongs, a manatee relative in Asia. Powell said
he's heard this from too many sources to dismiss it, and that it's
not physically impossible.

Piccolo said he does not think many sailor-manatee relations were
consummated, or hopes not, anyway. But he has no doubt that the
romantic feelings were heartfelt -- a product, he said, of a very
particular set of circumstances.

"In this day, manatees probably wouldn't be the first choice of
seagoing creatures to represent mermaids," he said, and not just
because slender figures are in fashion.

"I don't think the contemporary imagination is fueled with myth," he
said, and sex "is seen as a land activity" that only ever entered
seafaring lore because the voyages were so long, miserable and sex-

Which also helps explain why passengers on today's cruise ships so
seldom spot mermaids.



The order Sirenia has members in South America, Asia, Africa and
Australia -- each resembling, and related to, the Florida manatee.

All these species seem to have some association with mermaids, or at
least supernatural women.

Ada Forney, folklorist and storyteller, has written and recorded a
manatee legend in which a lonely old fisherman on the Mosquito Lagoon
marries a manatee -- who sheds her manatee skin and takes the form of
a woman, for his convenience.

To create the tale, Forney borrowed from European legends. "There
are very old stories from Scotland and Ireland and England of seals
who come ashore and shed their skin, said Forney, who lives in
Melbourne. Seals may have been the inspiration for the mermaids of
ancient Europe, and "manatees have often been considered mermaids,"
she said, so she adapted the story for Florida.

James Powell, a biologist with the Wildlife Trust in St. Petersburg,
said that in Southeast Asia, home to a manatee relative called the
dugong, "there are wonderful stories about people becoming manatees --
a woman goes down by the sea and is washing her clothes and is turned
into a manatee."

And everywhere the West African manatee occurs, Powell said,
"there's a very strong female deity called Mami Wata. It varies from
tribe to tribe but it is generally linked back to the manatee. In
some places the manatee is very benign and linked to childbirth and
fertility; in other places it's linked to wreaking havoc and knocking
over boats -- a traditional siren," influenced by European fables.

Mami Wata was exported to Haiti, home to the West Indian manatee, as
the voodoo goddess La Siren -- a mermaid in the European mold, with
dark skin and tresses.

And in Florida, a curious legend holds that the melodic sound of the
Manatee River, on the Gulf Coast, is the singing of a golden-haired
siren, who sank a boat full of sailors and treasure.

Kristin Congdon, a folklorist at the University of Central Florida,
dubbed that legend "the Mystic Music of the Manatee" in a book of
Florida folk tales, and ascribed it to Calusa Indians.

Manatees do make squeaky sounds underwater, and in Native American
legends, animals are often turned into people.

But the siren's golden hair, and the treasure, Congdon said, make
her wonder "if it wasn't a European interpretation of a Calusa


The order Sirenia has four living species. A fifth, the Steller's
sea cow, lived in the Bering Sea but was hunted to extinction. All
Sirenia species spend their entire lives in water and are vegetarians

AFRICAN: African manatees live between Senegal and Angola on the
West Coast of Africa. They avoid salt water, preferring shallow
estuaries and weedy swamps. They are a poorly studied species.

AMAZON: Amazonian manatees live in the blackwater lakes, rivers and
lagoons of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana and Peru. The manatees
once traveled in large herds, but because of severe overhunting no
more than eight are usually seen at a time. They are preyed upon by
jaguars, sharks and crocodiles.

DUGONG: Dugongs are found in east Africa, the Red Sea, Asia and
Australia. They are closely related to the Stellar's sea cow. Unlike
manatees, their tales are split, and they will pick themselves a
selection of plants before eating them, piling them up near the
shore. Dugongs will "walk" on their flippers as they feed, leaving
trails on the bottom. They are found only in shallow, coastal
habitats, where they occur singly or in groups of three to six.

WEST INDIAN: West Indian manatees fall into two subspecies -- the
Florida manatee and the Antillean manatee, which is slightly slimmer
in build. The range of this species extends from Virginia (in the
summer) through the Caribbean, along the eastern coast of Central
America and the northern coast of South America. They move freely
between freshwater and marine habitats, and have no natural predators.

Source: The Daytona Beach News-Journal

Stalin Planned Army of Ape-Man Super-Warriors

Soviet dictator Josef Stalin ordered the creation of Planet of the
Apes-style warriors by crossing humans with apes, according to
recently uncovered secret documents, the Scotsman.com reports.

Moscow archives show that in the mid-1920s Russia's top animal
breeding scientist, Ilya Ivanov, was ordered to turn his skills from
horse and animal work to the quest for a super-warrior.

Stalin reportedly told the scientist: "I want a new invincible human
being, insensitive to pain, resistant and indifferent about the
quality of food they eat."

In 1926 the Politburo in Moscow passed the request to the Academy of
Science with the order to build a "living war machine". The order
came at a time when the Soviet Union was embarked on a crusade to
turn the world upside down, with social engineering seen as a partner
to industrialization: new cities, architecture, and a new egalitarian
society were being created.

The Soviet authorities were struggling to rebuild the Red Army after
bruising wars.

And there was intense pressure to find a new labor force,
particularly one that would not complain, with Russia about to embark
on its first Five-Year Plan for fast-track industrialization.

Ivanov was highly regarded. He had established his reputation under
the last Russian tsar Nicholas II when in 1901 he established the
world's first centre for the artificial insemination of racehorses.

Ivanov's ideas were music to the ears of Soviet planners and in 1926
he was dispatched to West Africa with $200,000 to conduct his first
experiment in impregnating chimpanzees.

Meanwhile, a centre for the experiments was set up in Georgia -
Stalin's birthplace - for the apes to be raised.

Of course Ivanov's experiments were a total failure. He returned to
the Soviet Union, only to see experiments in Georgia to use monkey
sperm in human volunteers similarly fail.

A final attempt to persuade Cuba to lend some monkeys for further
experiments reached American ears, with the New York Times reporting
on the story, and Havana dropped the idea amid the uproar.

Ivanov was now in disgrace. His were not the only experiments going
wrong: the plan to collectivize farms ended in the 1932 famine in
which at least four million died.

For his expensive failure, he was sentenced to five years in jail,
which was later commuted to five years' exile in the Central Asian
republic of Kazakhstan in 1931. A year later he died, reportedly
after falling sick while standing on a freezing railway platform.

Source: Mosnews

UFO Sightings in Russia - Wrap up for 2005

Russian intelligence agencies have repeatedly stated that no UFOs
have ever been spotted over Russian territory. However, witnesses
from the general public continue to contradict these reports with
stories of their personal encounters with the paranormal.

Moscow newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda has put together the most
reliable of these reports and come up with a list of UFO sightings in
Russia and other post-Soviet countries for 2005.

Crop Circles

This year 18 cases of crop circles have been reported in Russia's
regions - this is six cases more than last year and almost twice the
number for 2003.

Mysterious signs were seen in all parts of the country - as far
afield as the Komi Republic and the Far East, and as close to Moscow
as the Voronezh and Novgorod regions. But just like last year, the
southern Krasnodar region has had more crop circles than any other

Meanwhile, local people are not too thrilled by the unexplainable
phenomena. In fact they are more troubled by ufologists who put up
their tents in the fields, hoping to catch the unknown artists red-

UFO Caught on Film at the Yenisei River

"This May I took visiting relatives out to see an ice drift on the
Yenisei," nurse Raisa Kireyeva from the town of Igarka says.

"We stopped at the bank, I was speaking and gesturing and my son was
taking pictures. We neither heard nor saw anything suspicious or
unusual, so we were totally shocked to see some object hanging in the
air over my head when we had the photographs printed."

The woman took the picture and the negative to the Eternal Frost

At first the experts were skeptical about the photograph... "We've
had so many of them." But after an examination they had to admit the
strange object in the picture was neither a fake nor faulty film.

"We checked all the negatives," the director of the Eternal Frost
Museum's department in Igarka, Alexander Toshchev, said.

"But even when we magnified the image many times, the 'saucer'
remained very distinct."

Astronomers Prove Continuous Reports of UFOs Over the Crimea

For many years people have reported the UFOs they have spotted in
the sky above the Crimea in Ukraine, in the seaside city of Yalta.
Astronomers at Crimea's Physical Astronomy Observatory decided to
finally prove or disprove these reports.

The researchers indeed located a reddish ball that floated in the
sky for about ten minutes, slowly changing its color from red to
light yellow, and leaving a path of smoke in its wake.

The astronomers estimated the UFO was about 400 km away. So, in
theory, the object could actually have been a secret flying device
that the Turks were testing across the sea.

Extra Terrestrials Trim Russian Watermelons

This September bright luminous orange-colored objects, round in
shape, became a familiar sight in the village of Yevseyevka in the
Primorye region of Russia's Far East. Enormous lights moved across
the sky in the evenings, disappearing from view and then returning

The balls demonstrated strange 'behavior': they froze for some time,
started moving again, changed their path of motion, sent out rays of
light towards one another and what's more, each ball beamed bright
lights towards the ground.

A local farmer conducted an experiment on Sept., 7. When the balls
appeared in the dark sky, Yuri Galayev took his torch and signaled to
one of the balls, turning the torch on and off. The ball responded
immediately with identical signals.

The next morning when the Galayevs went to their watermelons field
they noticed a weird pattern on one of the watermelons. They
remembered the day before the pattern had not been there, and came to
the conclusion it was a note from their night visitors.

The watermelon was taken to a well-known Primorye biologist and
ufologist Valery Dvuzhilny.

"I studied the fruit, both the healthy and the impacted tissue,"
Dvuzhilny said.

"This could not be done by insects, bacteria nor by some fungi -
none of these could produce such a symmetrical pattern."

The patterned watermelon is not an isolated case in the region. In
September 2002 two watermelons with complicated pictograms on them
were found in the field of farmer Nikolai Schislyayev.

"Well, let them draw, I don't care as long as they don't steal from
the field," the farmer said.

Source: Mosnews

A Scot's Tale of Spooks!

Many supernatural creatures dot the Scottish highlands. Some are
downright scary while others are absolutely evil. Though we have not
heard about many of them but few we have encountered in books. There
are said to be similarities between Scottish and Irish supernatural
creatures, it could be because they have the same Celtic root.

The Red Caps are one of the most dangerous supernatural creatures
who haunt the castles and watchtowers of the border regions. Trust me
they make you want to run for cover. Red Caps are murderous and kill
by rolling boulders or tearing at people with their sharp claws. They
then proceed to drink the blood of their victims and dip their hats
in the blood which is responsible for their name Red Caps. Ghastly
isn't it?!. In appearance Red Caps are short and wiry, have ragged
pointed teeth and sharp claws like steel. They are generally bearded
with wrinkled faces, wearing a red bonnet on their heads.

Dunters are also said to haunt castles. They make the constant sound
of beating flax. It has been said that these spirits are the memories
of foundation sacrifices -a custom that was practiced within written
history. Powries are absolutely indistinguishable from the Red Caps.

Another set of popular Scottish creatures are the Silkies, which are
shape-shifting sea-fairies usually in the form of bright eyed seals.
They are said to come on land in human form where they would dance,
especially on full moon nights.

One of the most fearsome and gruesomely described supernatural
creature is The Nuckelavee. Do I see you all breaking out into a
sweat?? The Nuckelavee inhabited parts of Northern Scotland. It's
home was in the sea, but it frequently ventured on land to feast upon
humans. It rode a horse on land, and sometimes it's horse was
indistinguishable from it's own body and sometimes the horse was seen
as a part of the creature's own body.

The Nuckelavee's head was ten times larger than that of a man's. It
had a mouth thrust out like a pig's with a wide gaping maw. This
gruesome creature had no skin and it's yellow veins, muscle structure
and sinews could clearly be seen covered in a red slimy film. It's
breath was venomous and it's strength enormous. It's one weakness was
an aversion to fresh water. The horse the Nuckelavee rode had one red
eye, a mouth matching the size of a whale's and flappers like fins
around it's forelegs.

The Bean Nighe. She was a type of the ominous 'Washer woman of the
Ford' in the highland region. Appearing in the Irish stories, she is
sometimes identified as the crone aspect of the triple Goddess. The
Bean Nighe as a legend says can be seen at the side of desolate
streams and pools washing the blood stained clothing of those who are
about to meet their maker. Dressed in green, she was a small statured
woman with webbed feet. Though she was seen as an evil portent in the
Scottish tradition, she was not always a portent of one's own death
as in the Irish version. If she was approached in the correct way she
would grant wishes. All one had to do was get between her and the
water. Then one would be given the opportunity to ask three wishes
and three questions. But there was a catch, the three questions would
have to be given truthfully in return in the form of traditional
exchange between humans and supernatural creatures.

Another gruesome Scottish creature was the Cu Sith which literally
meant fairy dog. The dog was green with long shaggy hair. It was
roughly the size of a large calf. A very dangerous creature to
encounter it was capable of hunting in silence. It would let out
three barks which could be heard from miles around. It was usually
black or white with red ears.

Cait Sith was the fairy cat who haunted the highland region. As big
as a dog, the Cait Sith was completely black apart from one white
spot on it's breast. Just like a real cat the Cait Sith could be
dangerous when seen face to face.

Solitary supernatural beings of the Scottish Highlands were The
Glaistigs. They had the upper half of a woman and the lower half of a
goat. They could appear in human as well as animal form. Their skin
was grey and hair golden and long. They wore green coloured clothes
which were in the form of long robes which camouflaged their lower
goat half. The Glaistig frequented lonely lochs and rivers in the
highlands of Scotland. Sometimes The Glaistig was described as half-
earth, and half water sprite, although in the Gaelic language her
name literally meant a 'water imp'.

The Boabhan Sith (would make you want to dash away as far as was
possible) was a particularly evil and dangerous female vampire from
the highlands of Scotland who preyed on unwary travelers in the glens
and mountains.

The Cailleach Bheur was a blue hag of the Scottish highlands and she
was quite harmless. Associated with winter she was reborn on every
All Hallow's Eve and she brought along winter and winter snows. She
carried a magical staff which froze the ground with every tap. She
also guarded animals in winter.

Each Uisge was a highland supernatural water horse very dangerous
and a threat to the Scottish water dwelling creatures. It inhabited
the sea, sea lochs, and fresh water lochs. They were shape shifters
who sometimes came in the guise of a fine horse or a pony. To lure
unsuspecting people into the water they would stand by the water's
edge in any (pony, horse) forms and wait for somebody to approach. If
a man were to mount the horse, it would set off into the deepest part
of the lochsea. The poor rider would be unable to free himself
because of the adhesive quality of the creature's skin. There the
unfortunate victim would be drowned and devoured completely apart
from the liver, which would float ashore, a sure sign that the evil
water horse had claimed another victim. Another disguise the Each
Uisge used was that of a handsome man. Perhaps that was why people
were wary of animals and strangers standing by the water's edge in
those days in places said to be haunted by the Each Uisge who also
devoured cattle and sheep. To lure an Each Uisge from the water the
smell of roasted meat was sufficient.

Will O'the Wisp were malevolent spirits either of the dead or non
human intelligence. They were famed for luring unwary travelers into
dangerous situations. They were also the mysterious lights that were
said to lead travelers from the well-trodden paths into dangerous and
treacherous waters.

Solitary Scottish Elves were called Urisks. They lived in remote
pools and rivers. A friendly lot they liked the company of humans.
But they had an disadvantage, their strange and curious appearance
usually scared those who approached them.

Don't you think that these creatures make for an interesting reading
adding the twists and turns to the stories. Dear Readers would you
have liked to have met any of them, if yes which one and how would
you have outwitted him or her? Do write back and let us know.

Source: Deccan Herald
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