Solar Tour is this Saturday Oct 1, 2011

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Tim Montague

Sep 29, 2011, 10:13:29 PM9/29/11
to re ccnet

5th Annual Illinois Solar Tour
Saturday, October 1st

This is a self-guided tour, so you get to choose which homes and businesses (host sites) to visit, how many, and when, within the 10:00am - 3:00pm time span. Host sites have been chosen within each geographic region for their proximity to others and to facilitate the option of visiting all of them. Each host site tour will take anywhere from 15 - 45 minutes, depending on the size of the site and the number of renewable energy installations.

Register to attend the Tour - FREE!

Invite friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues

View the online maps and preview the sites

Pick up a FREE Guidebook in the September issue of Mindful Metropolis
  or download it here.

Select the sites you want to tour

Attend the After Tour Party at Uncommon Ground from 5 - 7pm

Tim Montague
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