Letters to the Editor in Today's Austin American Statesman

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Dale Bulla

Jun 23, 2024, 10:10:03 AM (10 days ago) Jun 23
to Citizens Climate Lobby
Sunday, June 23, 2024

letters to the editor 

Voting matters, so vote for the GOP if you want these specific things

Some moderates think the presidential candidates are too extreme. And some people don't want to vote for either elderly candidate. Some don't think it matters who they vote for.

It matters greatly.

Vote Republican if you want:

Authoritarian government instead of a democracy.

To get out of the Paris Climate agreement.

Tax subsidies for fossil fuel companies.

Tax cuts for the rich and for corporations, and for the deficit to go up.

Scientists replaced by Republicans at the EPA.

Russia to defeat Ukraine.

To get out of NATO and WHO.

To not allow abortion for incest, rape, or the mother's health.

To defund the CDC.

Your tax dollars to fund private schools.

To end Obamacare.


Also, vote for the Conspiracy Party (Republican) if you believe:

Climate change is a hoax.

The 2020 presidential election was stolen.

Obama was born in Kenya.

The Sandy Hook shootings were staged.

Otherwise, vote Democrat.

Don Hammond, Austin

Let Austin light rail move forward so it improves our quality of life

Re: June 16 commentary, 'Austin's light rail opponents are trying to undermine taxpayers' vote'

Austin voters want to increase options for transportation instead of driving personal vehicles all the time. Why are the opponents working to take away the rights of voters? Drivers on IH-35 have noticed it looks like a slow-moving parking lot. Tail pipe pollution from all those vehicles degrades air quality.

Light rail will help reduce traffic jams and provide bike and pedestrian pathways, make connections with Capital Metro bus routes and improve its service. It has a potential to spur affordable housing developments close to transit, creating walkable communities.

According to the EPA, the transportation sector is the largest source of polluting greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions also contribute to global warming. We want this lawsuit to stop; allow the light rail project to proceed and improve quality of life for Austinites.

Kalpana Sutaria, Citizens' Climate Lobby, Austin Chapter


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