Review Quiz

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Anis Koubâa

Dec 4, 2011, 10:21:59 AM12/4/11
Salam wa rahmatou Allah

As several students have requested to have some quizzes before the exam, I have put on Moodle a first Quiz. It consists in multiple choice questions to revise the Chapters we have done so far.
Enter to Moodle and you will find
Quiz01: Review Questions for the Mid-Term Exam

You will have 40 minutes to respond to 10 multiple choice questions. You will have MCQ in the exam Incha'Allah.
The deadline is next Friday Dec 09.

You will see your grade after the closing date of the Quiz, as it is automatically evaluated.

This Quiz is for self-review purposes. So, do it very seriously.
It is optional in the sense that the grading will not be counted, but will affect the bonus if not done.

Best regards
Dr. Anis
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